
“bamboozled again!” moaned Eric Decker, after falling for the old medicine-in-the-cheese trick for the fifth night in a row

You know it’s not just one town named “The Hamptons,” right? People are just too lazy to specify East Hampton, Southampton, Westhampton, etc.

Whatever do you mean, it’s so great! Just the other day a supplier questioned me about my upcoming wedding (literally out of nowhere, I wasn’t wearing my ring and we were standing around a part) and if I would be leaving the company afterwards!

Having been in a sorority during college and currently an engineer, I’d almost rather the frat house than some of the bitter fucking nerds I’ve worked with.

I am so tired of dealing with these whiners in my daily life. Sorry you can’t float by quite as easily as you’re used to, mediocre man, qualified women are actually starting to get the recognition and representation they deserve.

“Enoughsnark in the V6 to make Dad feel like he’s still got some spunk in him”

Inb4 “a vasectomy”

Lol, sure they are. Regardless, that doesn’t excuse it.

You’re a joke.

You’re free to lick those boots as hard as you want, just don’t be shocked when it turns out people still look at you the same way you do those alleged AA hires.

Grasp at those straws and shift those goalposts a little harder. Way to assume you know anything about what I might do as soon as I mention I’m a woman. If you think “using your looks” or being a woman in my field (engineering) gives someone an advantage in any way (spoiler: people don’t take you seriously, talk over

The motive is to demonstrate to any remaining willfully ignorant mouth breathers what us women still fucking deal with, and here you are exemplifying it. Maybe if you’d been getting catcalled since childhood you wouldn’t find it so outlandish that people might still try to put a girl’s physical appearance before her

Yes, it is fucking horrifying that people sexualize children and that other people don’t seem to think that constitutes a “challenge” for said child to overcome. Get over yourself, you sad bitter chud.

OMG no way, a driver with wealthy parents involved in motorsports?? Clutch them pearls.

Yep, welcome to life as a girl child. My sisters and I started getting catcalled by grown ass men driving by in cars when we were around age 10-12.

Do you get this pissy over Jordan and Ricky Taylor, too?

As much as I typically don’t enjoy Reddit... R/childfree

We’re buying cars and a house with ample space for all of them and room to add a polebarn because we’re not having kids, so kinda? I’ve been really interested in Urals lately and I currently have an R6 so I guess that’s “settling down.”

Yea, and I bet all the folks crying about “heritage” and “erasing history!!” were *totally* clutching their pearls when US forces tore down Saddam statues.