
No, they’re literal fucking Neo-Nazis and Klansmen. Educate yourself:

I read this two or three times and I’m not sure if you’re trying to make a joke but I laughed anyway. My mom mows her lawn, I mow ours, really not revolutionary seeing as I don’t have seasonal allergies and my SO does.

Bravo! I’m so glad my man will finally have a car magazine catered to his weird man brain so he can stop asking those embarrassingly dumb questions when I’m out with my car gals. Maybe one day old ladies at car meets will stop talking down to him and telling me how lucky I am to find a guy who’s even interested in

I explicitly did not ask for your opinion, no matter how pragmatic you think it is, and now I’m just disappointed that you took that as an opportunity to mansplain oppression.

Just because he also dislikes other religions does not exempt him from Islamophobia (especially if he’s going to bond with Richard fucking Spencer over it), and frankly I don’t give a shit about men’s opinions on hijab.

I’m not understanding what’s so hard about not giving literal Nazis a platform, not being a noted Islamophobe, and not saying the n word, so I really don’t see a baby in that bathwater. It’s not just one mistake with this guy.

Why even defend him? Who gives a shit if he’s an asshole in addition to entitled and racist?

Just trying to imagine the pitch for this (pun totally intended):

Fiance and I are looking for a place with minimum 2 garages (one attached, one outbuilding) and minimum 5 covered spaces. Outbuilding must have room for a lift. Luckily we’re in an area where this isn’t an outlandish request, but getting the attached house with the right features/price is the bigger issue. (WHYYYYY

Interesting. The Chevy dealer I ordered my Camaro through has the largest indoor showroom in the country (Matick Chevrolet) but they actually seem to “get it” and have variety in what they stock - the reason I initially went there was to test drive a manual Camaro SS and they had the only one within 50 miles! They

We do it every night at Yost Ice Arena ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ

yea my dad used that exact line to guilt me about not giving him grandkids ¬_¬

yea it’s not hard to tell the keyboard warriors from the actual industry folk around here

-also used to work at FCA, place is like a sinking ship that is also on fire and everyone just keeps yelling at you to put out the fire and ignore the sinking part

When you design door handles and hinges etc you don’t really need to worry about belt routing and such. People tend to forget that not every automotive engineering gig is powertrain or chassis related.

only in that people use it to justify further objectification: “see, *token woman* is OK with it, why can’t you bitches just be cool, be quiet, and stay complicit in your own degradation like her!”

Skay posts a lot of awful bodyshaming shit in addition to the weird COTD shit and has the general vibe of doing exactly everything a dude pretending to be a girl on the interweb would do while never talking about themselves. To my knowledge, no one has ever met “her,” nor do we even have an email address for “her.”

I personally don’t blame models themselves, they don’t pick their outfits. And even $30/hr is not great at all when you remember that you don’t make that after age 30 or whatever, and you have little to no benefits, upward mobility, etc. It’s not a career, it’s a business full of really fucking gross exploitation, and