

I’d seen it posted as a joke on XJ/Jeep boards before, but apparently it originated from Pirate 4x4.

holy shit I forgot about “troll of the week,” nice digging!

What seems to be the problem?

“...and immediately parked it on the sidewalk!”

Congrats, you and your family have narrow to average asses!

Priorities, money, children, and/or wide asses. I wouldn’t say the latter is inherently a problem though.

Look, you’ll have to take up Cara’s lack of productivity with the management.

That’s how people get fired.

My fiancé, upon reading the headline: “That fucking Blazer, lol”

Hopefully he thinks about finding a damn kicker next

I admire your patience, I’m just a little salty and calling as I see it ;)

Calling trans women sexist is classic TERF shit.

Correct. It was a massive, disgusting fuckup. I can’t remember all the details but for *some reason* a victim who had been totally cooperating with police etc suddenly stopped (that’s where the Lewan crap comes in), and he was never formally charged, so good enough right??

thank you for sharing, I was about to comment as well. I was in undergrad at UM when all this went down, and a few years later, after winning the Sugar Bowl and asked what was going through his mind as he made the kick, Gibbons said “brunette girls.” Fuck both those pieces of shit.

“I know it appears to fly in the face of what everyone is wanting to promote today, and that is equality,” said Dick Buckingham, administrative leader of Faith Christian. “It is based on a religious perspective that God created guys and girls differently. The difference physically, there is a strength advantage that

Friend of mine just had to explain to his *four-year-old* why the policeman yelled at them to “keep fucking moving!” when the kid tried to wave hi.

It’s become clear that the average consumer doesn’t care if *cars* are made in the US, but truck (and Jeep) buyers do.

That’s the thing - pure unregulated capitalism DGAF if your employees are underpaid and killing themselves as long as profit is being made. It eventually comes back to bite you in the ass once there are enough people out of decently-paid American jobs to buy new products though. Beating up Ford over it when it’s