
So your opinion is that Charles Barkley disagrees with you, therefore he has nothing to add to the conversation? His whole point about the Eric Garner case was right. The police officer should've been punished, but it was manslaughter at worst, not murder.

I was thinking James Spaeder after a rough night.

If that sounds backward, well, that's how the Hall of Fame voting has evolved,

That's ok. I'm sure he'll bounce back using the revenue generated from his soon-to-be-released autobiography, Turnover: A New Leaf.

Rondo asked Kobe to pass the salt. Kobe held onto it for 23 seconds before throwing it in the direction of the elderly couple sharing the peach cobbler.

Out of context erotica.

"Yes mom, we got sponsored, that means we're big-time now."

Since he doesn't specify putting the piece of paper IN the envelope, I'm choosing to believe that the writing on the paper and the shoving of an envelope up one's ass are totally unrelated.

countless of you coming to my work to complain about the league

I'd rather be a douchebag than sound like a 1950's dipshit about to go get a malt and do the twist.

I don't know how anyone can say "soda pop" un-ironically. You might as well say you're going to go sit on the Davenport.

Screw you, fly over state potato growers. I'm sick of your ocean envy

It will be typed. And it will be delivered by horseback.

How the hell is calling every brand of soda "Coke" considered 4th most acceptable. Soft drink may be dumb but it's a hell of a lot better than calling a Mt. Dew "a coke".

When we were kids, my cousins from Jersey were visiting my family in Michigan and loved to make fun of my wholesome midwestern aaaaccent. One, in the midst of insulting chuckles, asked "What do you call a Sprite?"

Everyone loves store brand Cola-flavored Carbonated Beverage, don't they?

Lolly water? I do not want to live in a place that calls soda "lolly water".

Anyone that calls it Soda Pop is a dipshit and is not to be trusted with anything valuable.

"I don't know why I keep getting dragged into this shit..."

this is absolutely the most boring anecdote article on Deadspin I have ever read. Didn't anybody lose a limb, shoot a clown, barf on a priest, kill a teacher with alcohol poisoning, deal with a propane explosion, anything? Jesus.