
Taking a shit in front of people in Brooklyn, is also known colloquially as a Deron Williams.

Of course he's dumb. That's not even how you spell "fill."

It turns out was badly misreading the Condo Developer's Guide To Successful Gentrification when he read that first line, "Take a dump in Brooklyn."

It just goes to prove what they always say: Those who can comply with the NFL drug and alcohol policy, do; those who can't, teach.


This tournament has had nothing but garbage results thanks to garbage voters who wouldn't know good snacks from garbage. Thanks for being trash and wrong, everyone.

I smoke cigarettes myself. And I would argue that in the original Metal Gear, the effect that the cigarettes had on the countdown timer was just a representation of the fact that smoking cigarettes doubles as a stress management technique for a lot of smokers. Snake becomes less debilitated by stress and this

When I was in college, I was out with a group of friends. I wasn't in the Greek system, but my boyfriend was and my roommates were, so I ended up at a lot of frat/sorority functions. I remember this one night; everyone was walking from party to party, we were drunk...singing in the streets, that kind of thing (I was

One bad apple spoils the bunch. Numerous instances of bad apples means the whole tree is diseased.

You know if he listed "baby carrots and ranch" people would get pissy about leaving off cauliflower or be all "ermahgerd, fat fuck middle 'murican ranch on my bracket? No, sir!"

Crudite never stood a fucking chance with this crowd.

In what back water mudfucker corner of America is it acceptable to sit down with an entire bag of skin, and just chow down?

It's almost like people don't understand that cheese and crackers can be expanded beyond this.

I really hoped that the last story from Brian was the same guy mentioned in Matt's story.

Fast forward 15 years later. All of these women would kill for someone to do them like that now.

Needs more Remo Williams...

I think the crowd would've really fallen for Owen Hart.

That is probably the best and classiest response I couldn't imagine from someone with the tag "VagEnthusiast".

Dave Pasch only denied evolution after spending years commentating on Syracuse sports. Pasch noted "If evolution exists, why is Syracuse's mascot a giant orange?"

The same way you "fix" a horse with three shattered legs.