Stop making me want to re-sub!
Stop making me want to re-sub!
all baby boys, at the time of birth, have huge nuts. It has to do with the hormones present at birth. Look, I have two sons, and BOTH of them had giant nut sacks when they we bo.....WAIT A MINUTE!
This reminds me of something my dad would tell me whenever I was feeling blue: "Son, you'll never amount to anything on account of your tiny-ass balls."
It's incredible, to me, the number of Bronco fans who desperately want this guy. Nobody is pleased with our run game, and I fully acknowledge that. But when you look at his rap sheet since college... think about the destruction of his own Ferrari with a baseball bat in March... look at how much shit he's caused at…
I thought this was going to be a one line article saying, "because he is a horrible person"
Can't wait till they give that cord an extension.
Cop & 1/2 II?
"Mere soupçon of aggression"? You stated above that you can break a man's arm with one.
♫ Money ain't what it used to be Ha/
Spencer, you goddamn liar. M&Ms only melt in your mouth. Either you shit yourself, or that analingus you forgot about was off the hook.
Why is Gambit listed twice? Why is joke-ass Green Lantern not the worst, ever? Why is Deadpool (arguably GOAT) at #70?
I've noticed the audio problem as well.
Don't say you are dumb for buying this game a 3rd time... it makes me feel retarded for having 4 versions of Metal Gear Solid 3
Thank you good sir. I have this on my phone and the original PS2 version, but I will now purchase this because I am dumb.
This is not the service my loins are craving.
The best part of optional features is that they're optional.
Jim Palmer related to Rosie Palms?
"I opened the bathroom door with a big smile on my face and look up to see my dad (who is a Lutheran pastor) looking right at me in disgust. He either thinks I'm doing what I'm actually doing, or he thinks I'm beating off with syrup " Hahahahahahhaah, thank you deadspin. I'm now ready to start my weekend. Hahahahahha
Oh man, I thought I was the only one who stuck my dick between some cushions. I used to stack all of my bed pillows, get butt-assed naked, stick my dick somewhere in the middle and hump away. My parents always wondered why I needed to wash my pillowcases, and I told them I forgot to shower after hockey practice and…
People like you are why I carry a wristwatch full of hot sauce at all times.