
What amount of time are you obligated to wait before throwing away a Christmas/birthday/thank-you/graduation card?

That was the last game they let us officiate.

Although it does kind of put an exclamation point on the emotional stunting the parents caused to the kid who made this invite...

By and large private charter type schools that get state funds (the kind in this article) do not outperform public schools - in many many cases they do worse (for those you kind find statistics for - many states allow charter schools to avoid the same evaluations public schools are subjected to). Comparing public

I don't get it, if she's unemployed how is she getting a paycheck...also the bitch needs to pay up or I'm taking your tv.

Actually a parent I know personally was at the edge of a boundary for American Legion play and literally sold his house and bought a house across the street so his son could be on the preferred team. Which I think is crazy, and yet he had the money and he wasn't breaking any rules. Because some rich assholes can

i don't get people.

I wouldn't get too upset, it sounded totally fake. I mean come on - hot deep fried chicken fingersdumped in your pants...whatever.

please provide support for this because everything I've read seems to point out that 1997-99 is when shit started really going downhill with independent study courses etc.,

keep beating that drum...is it so hard to concede that, from what almost everyone (even his critics) says, he was a good person who cared about education and people as much or more than he did basketball?

That is what drew me to the show too - it is just their plots are getting lazy and kind of painful. For example last night the took a train to South Dakota (I think) and come on - trains cost more than flying most of the time. Also, the fact that Frankie got left behind and nobody noticed is just too trite sitcom

The Middle used to be palatable but I've found the last season almost unwatchable.

I decided what needed to happen: I was going to have to extract this turd from the water.

He obviously needed a better editor - that "k" in rake was supposed to be a "p"

I still like to see the Pats make him make some tackles and see how he does. Unlike the Packers who saw a guy with one arm and decided to cut him some slack...

Butts up McSquander; The Chickening (in 3D)

I can tell you it is from the late 80s because the cop didn't shoot the cat.

At the time I really liked it. I feel like I should watch it again and see what I think.

Well said.

I agree totally. I hadn't really thought about it in terms of doing something simple and looking for affirmation rather than continuously working towards a goal.