
The author basically reprimanded people who were too vocal - which seemed reward seeking - in supporting a struggle for equality and justice. I'm allowed then to ask her to explain the other options since she holds the first in obvious disdain.

But isn't activism and social change about letting people know they are wrong and hoping to get others to see you are right?

Should they be punished then?

Or be an old man with dealer tags on his car...

This seems more accurate of a t-shirt...

I get that too, but in a system where it seems like the status quo is becoming (or has always been) not good, letting the system know you are doing good might be a good thing.

I think that's illegal in like 17 states.

And high fiving yourself. Don't forget that, it's the best if most awkward (physically) part.

Excellent point about amplifying instead of drowning out.

I totally agree and hate people who seem to do things only because they want to brag. However they are still doing good things - the homeless person still go that change. Do the reasons always matter if it helps? And perhaps doing the right thing for the wrong reason will over time change that person? Who

I get what you are saying. I just don't know that it is helpful to remain quiet when the system is controlled by white people. How can the system be changed if those on the inside don't start actively and loudly questioning it? If that comes off as self-promotion sometimes, I get that. And when some hashtag

So no discussion is allowed?

You said what I meant much more eloquently. I think part of the problem is that there are many people who do things and want attention for doing them. You can be a progressive without being self-aggrandizing.

I find most of this essay very powerful. One area I wonder about is where you think good white people feel like they should be rewarded - what should good white people do then? Not delete trolls? Not be outraged? Keep the outrage to themselves? I understand the frustration of people seemingly wanting to be

Thanks God somebody shot him then. Only people teachers determine to be good kids should have human rights and be allowed to live.

I hear you - I'm kind of the same way. I listen to NPR and podcasts while not in the car but like to have mind-numbing sports radio on in the car - traffic is stressful enough.

I actually enjoy reading the transcripts posted by reddit users as much as or more than listening to the podcast. I'm probably a huge dork because of this (and other things).

Kudos to the Bucs fan for somehow taking a kick to the face and still being able to stand up afterward.

Do you have a pithy comment to get things rolling?: Yeah

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Nothing beats the Palin Pardoning Video with the turkeys being executed in the background. Nothing.