
When my nana got older and started doing weird shit we found her a nice older gal to live with her and take her to the hair dresser and the market on Sundays. Her daughter might want to look into that.

Someone need to take a break from all social media and sit in on a week's worth of 4th grade grammar lessons.

Madonna spells about as well as I expected.

hilarious, & impressive & all without wearing blackface——great work.

I didn't mean to imply it wasn't ok. I meant to imply that I've dated crazies too, and that you aren't alone in your feelings towards dating.

The only time I would ever date a still married person is if the divorce papers had already been served but things just weren't finalized by the courts yet. I could live with that.

Smart move. I'll have to remember that one.

Right after college, I shared an apartment with a friend who had also been a co-worker when we were living in a different city. Some married guy back in City 1 kept hitting on her. She managed to keep him at bay, but a few months later he flew to our area (City 2) on business, and left her a message on our answering

OH GOD. So glad you got out of there.

Oh god, I recently tried an online dating site again. And one "nice guy" that messaged me liked messages that were a little too long, but seemed genuinely interesting and fairly interested in me (maybe a little too "you're so great," but whatever). But within 2 days he had mentioned experiences that left him with

I mean, fuck. Maybe I'm not looking for Mr. Right, but typically I have to rule out that you're not a) married b) super lame/homophobic/racist/Conservative... whatever c) going to wear my skin as a coat before I fuck you, guy. And that will likely take more than one date to determine. So keep it in your goddamn pants

Just like it happened to Carrie!

God, I fucking hate that song so much. Every time I have to play it (Oldies jock) I remind people there's NO WAY it'd be a hit today because - CHEATER - FUCKING ASSHOLE CHEATER. I leave out the profanity on-air. I need this gig.

Yeah, this is... this is the typical experience. I feel. Like, one date goes well and it's on to the fucking dirty talk. Can't you just pretend I'm a person and not a walking vagina for, like 3 dates? Thanks for not wasting my time, I guess.

It's not so simple- she really was the redhead in the black satin top drinking mojitos at the Drake. It wasn't so much a ploy as a trap laid by a lying asshole. The author got out unscathed, but I feel all kinds of sorry for his poor wife. She probably has no clue what she's married to (and has reproduced with).

Always upvote David Tennant's laugh.


Oh my god. I had something similar happen, albeit not from a missed connections ad. Although I've definitely heard of guys listing a vague description of what they're looking for on MC, I never heard a story like this. Mine was basically that I met a guy on OKCupid while working overseas, he was in a neighboring

Slightly similar to my meeting a guy online. We chatted and Skyped for months before I flew to Chicago to see him. 24 hours in I find out he's on parole after having been arrested numerous times and held involuntarily at a mental institution. Whoops, he totally forgot to mention he's required by the courts to take