
Oh simmer down. It’s a totally normal thing because as a couple you are both excited to be having a baby *together*. A natural expression of their love and connection and all that. I always naturally said “we” though all 3 of my pregnancies; during pregnancies 2 and 3 the “we” included my other children as in “we, as

you nailed it — a complex and novel take. that's the kinda rhetoric we need more of on a website like jezebel dot com. i've never seen the TV show nor do i know much about kim kardashian except for how other people react to her wealth and success, and that in itself has made me interested in her to some degree. also

A truly stunning example for every little girl who ever said "Some day I want to skip college, film myself sucking a dick, post it online and cash in".

Don't forget to subtract agent fees (20%), accountant/ money manager fees (5 -10%) and taxes (30%).

Having boobs myself, I can't really get behind underboob. I mean, I get it: it's alluring because it's something you shouldn't theoretically be seeing. . . but yoooooo, the underside of boobs on a hot day? Nah, man. Sweaty. Not good.

Interesting..... I find underboob inherently icky and very turn-off-y.

A form of it is used to treat migraines. Very old school. I used to take Cafergot years ago.

And yet you know when Roman Polanski, Woody Allen, and Bill Cosby die, those fuckers will not only be included in the In Memoriam segment but will have goddamn laser shows accompanied by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir...

Jez is better than the NYT. We don't write trend explainers about fleek.

"we are giving you hoovers and milkshake machines! What more could any girl be wanting?"

If Mimi-Rose has good health insurance (which, if she's less than 26, she could still be on her parent's plan), her abortion could have been super cheap. An abortion would cost me $20.

If she can afford to live in a swanky loft space (by whatever means), $350-$500 for an abortion is probably not a big deal to her. Thus, not a discussion point?

yup! plus when you're at her level of modeling you have the resources to go to a fancy school without worrying about loans-which is such a luxury in itself. money well spent and investing in her future yay!

Okay, I'll give you that it was a lot. Clint Eastwood probably curled his lip so hard during that display that he will be in permanent rictus now. BUT, Tegan and Sarah and Lonely Island are not typical Academy fare. And everyone who got handed one of this dope Lego Oscars looks like they will cherish those more than

Also, according to some media sources, when the Imam told women to step back, hundreds of them went and carried her coffin, and led the funeral prayer themselves.

maybe this?

Um... I'm wondering if the sarcasm didn't come across. Cliff notes version: it's totally ludicrous that this is breaking news. This model fits every conventional standard of beauty except extreme thinness. in real life, she probably stops traffic. And I am guesstimating that she wears a combo of size 6 to 10,

I want to applaud Sports illustrated for having the courage to feature a young white woman with symmetrical features, the hip to waist ratio of the Venus de Milo, and pert breasts. Most humans look at this model and have to cover their eyes in horror. Only the Sports Illustrated editors could see past conventions of

My wife is a nurse in a hospital in a rather conservative area of the country (Bible Belt), but she says this happens quite regularly. And when it does happen, expect your x-rays to get forwarded to all 3000 of the employees.

After a night of too much calzone w/ ricotta cheese, I pooped the largest/hardest poop of my life. It had gelled to almost cement and ended up being the diameter of a plum at its widest. Pain like you can't imagine, with some tearing and blood. I literally had to reach back and help it out with my finger.