
Cool opinion. Thanks for sharing. I see that you’ve got those cool out-of-the-norm viewpoints. Let me know what you think is funny, so that I can go shit all over it too.

Everyone is “excited” for a new console because it’s a new potential market. If the console is so weak that it can’t support cross platform games though that excitement dries up real quick when the potential install base shrinks as a result.

Right, it’s not like the player’s character had a loved one murdered right in front of them... oh wait, that’s right. Not to mention a son who’s current status is “complicated”. And in the middle of looking for their son and seeking revenge, the player took time out of their busy schedule to save Marcy Goddamn Long’s

yeah i know, but i like to play with trolls from time to time.

There are a couple threads on Silph Road that think: (1) the game queries your location every four minutes, and (2) you get credit for the shortest distance between the point you were at for the previous query and the current query, with the caveat that (3) if you go over 25kph (or 20kph?) in a single minute period,

Anything faster than about 7kph doesn’t seem to work. So running or riding bikes means a lot of that distance won’t be tracked.

It’s really wonky. I walk a mile to work every day and it never counts the entire trip. There was another article about this. Something to do with GPS accuracy or whatnot. But you’re right, it’s not counting all travel distance.

With all the complaining, the complete mess that is distance tracking is getting massively overlooked. I have a walk I take every day for work that’s exactly .9 miles round trip and is essentially a straight line out and back; I’ve gotten credit for everything from 1k to nothing.

It looks like 10 or 11 mph is the limit for egg hatching distance. If you go any faster than that, it doesn’t track reliably if at all.

Aren’t you essentially arguing that your own perception bias is correct here? “My friends and I all agree on X” doesn’t necessarily make you or your friends right or even the majority voice.

I can see the fedora in this post...

I’ll tell them what. I’ll stop using the API scanners as soon as they fix the fucking 3-step bug. How about that?

People who roll coal are idiots and a danger to public health and the environment. Its not like the black clouds of smoke are a byproduct of making the truck better in some way, The whole point is to be an a$$hole and make pollution because they get off on that. Anyone who goes after them has my full support.

Evelyn . if you think Daniel `s st0rry is inconceivable... on monday I bought themselves a Infiniti from earning $6932 this past 5 weeks and-in excess of, ten k last-month . without a question it is my favourite job I have ever done . I started this 10-months ago and almost immediately started bringin home more than

I didn’t know that!

“when you play this game in the future”

I wish there was a way to block this kind of shit. I like kotaku but this shit is annoying as fuck.

that’s the thing about Kotaku, it lacks professionalism at times

Can we please leave politics out of games when they're not directly involed? :/

Holy shit this was a sweet piece of advice. 130 bucks for pretty much every game prior to 1998.