IE: The Dale J.R episode of fast and loud. So much Mountain dew product placement.....
IE: The Dale J.R episode of fast and loud. So much Mountain dew product placement.....
Because you saw that this article was about talladega nights, a movie you hate with an actor you hate, clicked on the link, read the article, and still complained about how you don’t like the movie or the lead actor as if someone cared. That’s like signing up for a mustang forum just so you can say you hate mustangs.
You sound upset.
Damn, that looks sick as hell. And those bhops mmmmmmmmm
oh, there is. and its a must have.
Wait a minute, you mean to tell me that releasing mario kart,mario party,super smash bros, and other reiterations of the same nintendo games doesnt sell millions of consoles? Wow i would have never thought that.
There is no reasoning with people that think like this. They think everything has to happen instantly or its not true. He probably also thinks evolution isn’t real because everything has looked the same for hundreds of years.
Update GPU drivers?
On IOS its not there.
Also, I dont know if its just me, but i had two 5m eggs that both had 2.5 km left on them to hatch. I rode my bike yesterday for 5 miles hoping by the end i would get two new pokemon only to find out the game registered .2km on my eggs, after riding 2.5 miles.... I wasn’t going overly fast and there were only spurts…
Who is also a character in a movie. Thats the mentality with neckbeards, they think they cant put on a fedora and look as dapper as 1950's detective or John Hamm from madmen. When thats far from the truth. A fedora/trilby does not go good with a tshirt and cargo shorts.
Both are terrible hats that dont look good on anything.
I was into it, back in 1997 all the way till Gen 2,after that i lost interest because they kept adding more and more pokemon and i guess i grew out of it.
Because over time it gets stale, you know the formula every time a new pokemon generation comes out. There will be three main starters, and then one or two legendary ones. Gen 1 had mew and mewtwo, gen 2 has lugia and ho oh. and then some variants of older types of pokemon. Idk maybe i’m just too old, I grew up when…
Because every gen they copy an existing pokemon and just make him look different. Gen 1 had squirtle,bulbasaur,charmander. Gen 2 had the three basic water,fire,grass starters just looked different and different names. They don’t try anymore and the designs are just getting ridiculous. Although its not really Nintendos…
I dont think its too small, at least not small enough to be insignificant. Have you been to Tx? Just in south Tx alone there are hundreds of bros roalling coal, granted thankfully the oil field crashed here so most of those retarded lost all their jobs and didnt save any money so had to sell their toys. They are still…
The thing is, these guys are hurting the environment in the name of fun. The shipping vessels you mentioned are at least performing a task whether its shipping goods or people. While these douchebros floor it everywhere creating huge clouds of smoke because they think its funny and cool.
Thats the problem, everyone thinks “Oh it doesnt even matter since others are doing it.” “Me pouring my used oil in the grass or down the sewer doesnt matter since im just one guy” It adds up though, and them making douchey coal rollers isnt helping the enviroment thats for sure.
Get a bike and ride it, doesnt hurt your knees or shins and is still great cardio.
Im kinda mad i didn’t get in on this sweet internet money. But i dont have the charisma to do youtube or twitch.