
Then we need to work on talking to men when they’re still able to understand that what media presents =/= reality in most respects.

...we also need to teach them that “harder, faster, deeper” is not necessarily what will produce a good experience for their partner (it may very well do so for some, but having had a few

Cause of death: Cardiac arrest from too much caffeine

Yeah, I never even knew Ingress existed. But you CAN’T avoid the existence of Pokemon Go. Last night I was walking around downtown in my small town and practically everyone out was playing it. My wife joked they looked like they were hooked on some drug or something like the TNG episode.

Yea this is the best point right here.
They will probably briefly open submission, then shut them back down - and open back up in a few months.

I had the same reaction. But then I learned that this a church with following of like 20 people who are mostly part of the same family. And their whole schtick is to be super controversial to get attention.

No. The sky’s the limit as soon as homeschooling and the Bible entered the equation.

Also, why does Zarya have to be gay? Isn’t that sort of pushing stereotypes? Like, she couldn’t POSSIBLY be straight, right?

Yeah. I get it. The protrusion on the trigger is the only safety Glock designed into their guns. But it sounds ridiculous to say:

I saw a stanced Jetta a few months ago. Tires stretched out, absurd camber, suspension fucked up beyond belief. I’m pretty sure most of the car’s weight was riding on the inner lips of the wheels. I looked at the driver and he was grimacing in pain as his car bounced and lurched over every imperfection in the road.

When reached by Kotaku, the Ford dealership said they didn’t know what we were talking about.

didn’t know elitism changed its meaning to ‘understands the clear movement superiority of a mouse and its impact on a COMPETITIVE game’. S’all I’m saying. I have a controller and use it in singleplayer games, but absolutely not on a competitive mp game. I guess if he’s playing on console and so everyoen else is gimped

Personally I think she and her boyfriend should be shot. We have enough humans on Earth as it is. We don’t need to keep killers and robbers alive when innocent people who just want to make a buck are allowed to die.

She killed a man over a video game system because he resisted when they tried to rob him.

I still don’t get the joke you are trying to make, even if you were going for the double meaning of the running man, as in the movie and the dance move, it still isn’t funny since both arose during the same time frame of the late 80's which you seemed to be disputing by quoting that and asking if I was sure.

My lunch and dinner is typically a chicken breast, quinoa and vegetables so I’m in about the same position! Not a body builder or anything, but trying to watch the weight/keep in shape/training for a bike race.

Why would someone upgrade to Windows 10 for better performance? The most compelling argument you can make (for currently existing games, today) is that Win10 is Almost Equal To Win7.

You also think the white man is the devil according to all your other posts. Go back to gawker.

Bah God, that man’s got a family!

INB4 people shit on drifting for no discernible reason.
