
The same way you opt in to drive with other people on the road. There is already a risk you take just by driving.

It says neither the driver nor the car could detect the trailer. The truck driver was at fault.

I can never remember her name for some reason so im usually yelling “The big russian lesbian!!”

Only about $5-6 here in TX

If you download it for free right now you will not have to pay anything ever. Well money wise, your browsing data and other viewing data will be sent to MS though and they sell that to ad companies to target ads to your browsing habits.

It was never really “free” anyways. They still get to sell all your metadata to ad companies to target you things you’d like.

Are you really that big of a baby that a moose getting hit by a car and shitting itself makes you not want to eat anymore? Or do you just want to complain just to complain?

Ill have you know Bud light is some of the best water i have drank in my life. They are actually selling bud light instead of water in Flint, Mi because its soooo good!

Clean paint? Is that why the red bmw in the .gif has primer on the rear quarter panel? I have seen tons of stanced cars with crappy xxr wheels and bozo style exhaust. Stance as a whole may never die, but its changed from what is was 7-8 years ago. Ive been to stanceworks/hellaflush shows back in the day and most of

cutting springers and adding spacers is pretty cheap... oh dont forget strecting a 215 tire on a 10" wheel.

Stance is the modern day rice, yeah it was a neat thing like 7 years ago when it was new and all the drifto kids were doing it. But now every fuck in a miata,civic,wrx wants to have the most retarded camber on the planet, only having 2" of actual tire on the ground. And scraping you front and rear bumpers everywhere

“temporary amnesia” What a bunch of BS. They can do whatever they want and claim whatever they want because they know they can get away with it. Just like a cop getting killing someone unjustified and getting paid admin leave and then a nice cushy desk job when he comes back.

I do. Scoop out both halves then cut it into mouth sized pieces.

I never care what other randoms on the internet think about what im saying.

Because her whole music making schtick is about getting dumped by your BF. You cant sell millions of records of how you were a bitch and broke up with your BF to be with another guy. Her entire music career is based on being the victim and overcoming it.

Awww did i rustle your jimmies?

lol game pads for fast paced FPS’s are ultimate fail. Its not elitism, its fact. I wouldn’t call you an elitist if i used a DDR pad to play OW and you made fun of me saying how much better a game pad is, because when comparing the two the game pad is the clear winner. And comparing game pads to KB+M, the KB combo is

Yeah its pretty dumb how they can pull a 180 instantly and lock onto you before you even had a chance. Then they kill you and do another 180 lockon to your teammate and they die too. Killing them seems useless too because if your team doesn’t rush in right after the turret is dead then another one will just take its

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A lot of those machines use a conveyor belt system that pushes the drink onto the conveyor and brings it to the output opening. No shaken drink.