
You think yours is boring? For lunch i eat one chicken breast and one avocado. Everyday for lunch, 5 days a week. My dinner consist of that too sometimes along with a protein shake. Ah the joys of bodybuilding and currently being in cutting mode. FML

that girl on the right.....hnnnngggggggggg

Yeah going to Windows 10 from 7 when you already have an i7,16gb ddr4, and a ssd is not going to make a performance difference at all. And Dx 12 will hopefully be not used as much when OpenGL and Vulkan become more popular.

I dont think he lives there, he just uses the apartment to record his stuff. I think flithy frank and howtobasic do the same. They just rent out places to do videos.

So what you’re saying is you’re autistic. Got it.

Are you autistic or just autistic?

I wouldnt be worried about guys like this, they are pussies in real life and only say that stuff through the internet.

Ah, i though you were just saying in general they were douchey and I was thinking it was just a regular SRT 4 not some rice turd like in the pics.

turbos and bov’s are douchey? ok.....

Thats the creators of south park, so it really wasnt that cringey because thats just Trey and Matt being themselves.

You getting triggered? Did me making fun of SJW’s rustle your jimmies?


Well its a good thing uzis are automatic and cannot be bought at stores. And if you wanted one you would have to go through background checks and pay a fortune for one.

If we shouldnt have a semi-auto then what should we have? Bolt action?

Well the article did say most popular, so i think we’re safe...........ZING!

Why its even a banned substance in the NFL makes no sense to me. Its not even close to being a PED.


“haha its just a joke guise, although i do feel that women are potrayed as sex objects in games yet buff men is just normal. haha tottally got you”

No further questions, i have collected all my evidence and have concluded that you are retarded. Thank you.

This website and the entire SJW pro gamer gate people are hypocrites. If there is a scantly clad buff male its ok. but ascantly clad female? RIP.