
Somone sounds triggered that im making fun of SJW’s

Yet ive seen patricia be pro gamer gate sjw femnazi before. But since this is a “hot” guy whom also is a real person not make beleive that its ok. But if we had a let say new meteroid, and have samus stand up nude with an hourglass 10/10 body kotaku, jezebel and every other SJW would be all over it saying it promotes

Yeah tiny tina in BL2 is defintely the posterboard for what men want in women. These are games, fantasies, make beleive. The game companies can desingn them however they want, no one is forcing the SJW to play them.

No the joke is that they really think this. Its ok for the males characters to be shirtless and buff, but if a female character has giant breast or butt everyone goes ape shit because its mysoginictic rape culture.

They have a small team on the CS:GO side as well, L4D3 is probably what they are working on now and with the completion of source 2. But i really doubt HL3 will ever come out. Gabe has given up on it and Steam makes most of their money now.

But god forbid they make female characters breast and butts big right? Jesus this whole site is so hypocritical.

Why do they deserve a second chance? so they can do it again?

Yeah i dont think people really think about when they say they are always in a full game. That means nothing because there could be a playerbase of only 1000 people and if the server only holds 32 people of course youre going to be in a full game. Im sure the actual player base has dropped dramatically.

ok? They did a gameplay video too of WD1 and everyone was hyped only to be let down with the final product not looking as good. Either way the hype for this game will be no where near as the first one since we already know what to excpect from Ubi.

Editing my post as i replied to you thinking i was replying to somene else. As for the Tmobile business model? They are growing, but i felt the ads and the way they wanted to be so hip and cool with the kids made me cringe hard.

If bubbles from trailer park boys was a good football player they would let him in too. If youre good at sports in college then you have it made.

Just saw that. I still think they are going to pull a WD1 and downgrade it some. Its not like they havent been working on this game for a while. Who says they didnt do they same thing as WD1 and make this video a while back with extra visuals turned up only to downgrade it at release?

it may not be as fast paced and instnest as quake or UT was but it still has the arena shooter elements. Youre in a small map with powerups and health/ammo on the ground. Its just a lot of people (younger kids) didnt grow up playing these types of games like we did so they jump in the MP and realize its nothing like

Its an arena shooter, having customization to your weapons like COD or BF would be retarded. Its about skill, not who has the most OP combination or weapon attachments.

Doom MP is fun if you like areana shooters. I personally grew up playing fast paced arena shooters like quake so i enjoy the MP quite a bit. I can see people not liking it if they grew up playing halo,cod, or BF as those games play much more slower.

If all it takes is a few .ini tweaks to make it look good then it should be pretty simple to add that as an option in the settings menu, but now they didnt because they did want the PC version to be the obvious superior version.

Thats a CGI trailer anyways, so the game wont even look like that. We will probably see what it looks like next week at E3.

Exactly like T-Mobile commercials. Thats actually their business plan, find out whats cool with the kids to make the company seem more hip. I know because i used to work for them.

Does the word friendzone trigger you?

What i meant by saying it was the guys fault for getting friendzoned was that they have the choice to leave or stay but they think that they can still win her over. Its the girls choice whether or not to be in a relationship with the guy, its the guys choice to stay friends or be beta male and stick around hoping one