ohhh a grammar nazi, now thats a new funny internet joke ive never seen before.
ohhh a grammar nazi, now thats a new funny internet joke ive never seen before.
titanfall just had a lack on content period. That game was fun as hell...for a day or two. But then you unlock everything and now every map plays the same. Oh and the auto pistol was cancer.
Its a line from the movie...
ive hid this bastard update every time it pops on my list and somehow it reappears. Fuck you MS i dont want your shitty GWX update!!!
1. I dont like being forced into things. I paid for 7 and i want to keep 7 on my machine. Its EOL isnt till 2020 so why push us now to move over?
You obviously dont work in IT or not a very technical person to realize what kind of nightmare this whole ‘upgrade’ process has been.
Because when more games use vulkan, dx12 wont matter. Look at the new Doom, it uses OpenGL and runs amazingly.
The real irony about that is if there was a show called “the stay at home dads of san diego” there would be no arguing, and if there was a quarrel they would forget about it in an hour and all go for wings and beer.
Totally not shopped....
Its almost as if the whole show is scripted and the producers tell them what to do......oh wait...
At least professional athletes strive for a goal, these cunts literally bitch on every episode about the littlest things like “so and so said this about me on facebook oh em gee” And i dont watch professional sports anyways, nice try though.
Why the fuck is this a show. Like what do these cackling crows even do besides bitch and drink mimosas?
I would have at least expected a steam achievement or something, kinda lame but oh well.
Yall can make any dance look cool, while us whiteys just look like napoleon dynamite no matter what we do.
Without looking for any secrets i would say you could complete each mission in about a hour or less depending on what diff you play at. There are 13 missions iirc so about 13-15 hours without looking for secrets, but exploring is where half the fun comes in and didnt realize it until mission 5 or 6. i think im on…
on the weapons comment, if you find secrets in the map you can get weapons way earlier in the game than you are supposed to, like the plasma gun you get from a secret area in either lvl 1 or 2. I did feel though the game got waaaay better when you get the double jump boots.
No way, we havent had a shooter like this in a while. Most games now try to hard with some epic story (cod,bf) and are super slow scripted linear games. Or you get games full of QTE like uncharted and tomb raider. Yeah we got a duke nukem reboot but that game was a turd. This game brings back that classic,fast paced,…
Wait till you get to the hell levels, that music is epic.
He means it deletes your save file, not the whole game lol.
Someone already beat it on UN and streamed it on twitch. You get nothing extra for beating it on UN as you would on the other difficulties lol.