Well its a good thing they are actually a great idea!
Well its a good thing they are actually a great idea!
Actually with SnapMap you are limited to MP type maps, with only two weapons and no upgrades. I hope they release official SP DLC in the future, the mp is ok to play but not enough to spend money on the season pass for some skins and maps.
God i wish this trend of making the screens look like tablets glued on the dash would just die. Look at the A4 it used to have an integrated screen that flowed well with the dash, now look at its latest model. It has that stupid tablet just plopped onto the dash. I really hope the new A5 doesnt follow that same design…
2edgy4me. Enjoying CoD?
There is no point in trying to reason with these people and trying to get them to understand that just because films are in 24fps that doesnt mean it makes games just as “cinematic” especially when it comes to 3d graphics and interactive media. Also these same people will argue with you and say that a 120hz tv is the…
CS has been around before COD was even a household name....
You do realize that skins do nothing for the game and add nothing other than visual appeal and that you dont have to buy them? Its still one of the best MP FPS’s out there, let the 13 yr olds go nuts over some rare skin the same way we went nuts over a holo pokemon card
Yeah and those that switch to pay to play also end up failing in the end. p2p is not a good long term business model anymore unless you are WoW.
So meta
In addition to the vault tech easter egg, one of the collectible doomguys you find is in a vault tech style, i think its name is vault guy?
Because that hasnt been said before...
Uncharted 4, you mean QTE the game? How can you say a games story is gimmicky when you only played the first level, you didnt even really get into it. The platforming is far from shoddy and gets even better when you get the double jump. Either you are just really bad at games and need them to hold your hand (Uncharted…
ummm you forgot the arguably best adaptation of a video game to movie and that is Mario Bros.
*tips fedora*
I guess what he is trying say is that while this korean OW player is good with his fast twitch movements, ability to lock on to people and snipe mid air, etc. To the average CS:GO player this isnt really anything knew and happens quite often.
But he is right
Forgot fried okra! every BBQ place here in south tx has amazing fried okra.
I think you mean zoids
So these are Zoids basically?