Yeah but its a guy so it doesn’t matter, they cant be objectified....... /s
Yeah but its a guy so it doesn’t matter, they cant be objectified....... /s
I had an old pirate series of legos when i was a little kid and there was plenty of guns in it.
you said you were playing at 2560x1080 though. Thats not 1440p unless it was a typo.
Thats because you are still playing in 1080p, making the jump to 1440p is well worth it and a big upgrade to visual quality.
“Stop liking things i dont like!”
its a boring soccer game at its core, not that exciting to watch as opposed to cs:go
well of course they do, but the model is a shitty one. You get access to some crappy exclusive shows from some boring youtubers, no ads, and google music. The only thing id benefit from would be the google music since i havent seen a youtube ad in a long time thanks to adblock.
wasnt really a resolution to solve money issues, it is more or less just a money grab. So i hope most of the content gets put on torrent sites and or other streaming websites.
stocker? did he get an overnight job at walmart?
joking can be used as a coping method for death. It helped me with my moms death, making jokes can lighten the mood. He isnt making fun of these people because they died, But they are dead, nothing he can say or do will bring them back so why not crack a joke to lighten the mood.
So saying “ Our prayers are with these people” is better? Its the internet, its life, get over it. If everyone would just stop complaining about every little thing they dont agree with ie: gay marriage, feminist getting triggered, etc. The world would be such a better place. But no, everyone is pussified nowadays and…
yeah i get what youre saying, i just had to be that guy and say that just because it has 4 cylinders doesnt mean it cant be fast. Slow work day, im bored....
Hate to be that guy but a 4 cylinder can be made fast pretty easily. Not that this has anything to do with mac vs pc.
You have to be a beer snob to not enjoy light beers like budweiser or coors?
and youre the one bitching about a joke when you use the same old tired “BBT isnt even funny! only idiots find it funny. Stop enjoying things i dont like!”
Puerto Ricans
They didn’t invent the format though, its been around since kids say the darnedest things came out. Kids reacting to a video is not something they invented or created. They just saw how quickly reaction videos became viral (like reactions to 2gilrs1cup which is way older than the fine bros channel) and they…
Same in texas, when i used to work for a chemical plant years ago there was this gas station right outside the plant that all the workers would goto after they got off and grab a single tall boy for the ride home. Dumbest thing ever.
Its like if you asked a 12 year old to design a car. This is his wet dream.
That was my favorite part in GTA V, shooting the dumb cats in their dumb faces