wat...? What makes that evo look worse than that doo doo ralliart? The giant functional spoiler? Surely you dont mean stock evo VS stock ralliart?
wat...? What makes that evo look worse than that doo doo ralliart? The giant functional spoiler? Surely you dont mean stock evo VS stock ralliart?
This list needs more Evo 8&9, they dont make them anymore and they are pretty iconic and maintained a pretty decent resell price that seems to get higher every year as more people are wrecking them. I plan on keeping my 03 evo 8 for a very long time, its nice to have a piece of Japanese history, a car that will never…
Well yeah, GO sucked balls when it first came out and it was also made by someone else until Valve took over, but they have improved it so much since then. That is why its the standard CS now. Like I said they probably wont come out with a new CS for a long time if ever, but they will for sure port GO to Source 2…
CS: Source came out in 2004 and was the main game till 2012 when GO came out. They wont release a new one soon unless they can figure out a way to import everyone’s skins to the new game. There is way too much of an economy backing GO to make a new one. If anything they will port it to Source 2 like the did DOTA. But…
someones jimmies seem to be rustled.
I will say this. When bioshock infinite came out i pirated it because i was getting tired of buying games on hype (never played a bioshock before it) so i pirated it,played about 30 mins to an hour, saw that it was an amazing game then i bought it because i wanted a bug free experience and updates, also i felt that…
Why mess up a perfectly good system? And its not completely the same as 1.6, the hitboxes have been updated, recoil and spread are different and the guns behave differently. So what if the basis of the game is plant/defend thats what works and i havent gotten tired of it for 11 years. Also CS:GO has a ton of new maps,…
Ancient? When there was a peak player count of like 10 million the other day? What is ancient about it? The graphics are decent enough for a competitive shooter, and it doesn’t need crazy physics or explosions. There are people that still play 1.6 and that came out over 15 years ago.
Im DMG with about 1000 in game and out of the 156 comp wins i have i can count on both hands the amount of games that have hackers in them. Its not has bad as people make it out to be. Yeah around the global level there are more hackers,but if you are close to that level its best just to play on ESEA or FaceIT that…
you’re allowed to cuss on the internet btw
Agreed, on an Acura i could see it but not a econobox civic.
Umm my Audi A5 has chrome trim around the windows and the grille.
It is just fucking youtube. No one used to make money off of it and now everyone wants to be the next pewdipie. They want to take the easy way out and make movies about playing games in hopes to get rich off of it and never have to work a real job. And everyone says its their passion, wouldn’t every gamers passion be…
You are getting depressed and suicidal because you didnt make it big on youtube? you have some serious issues. I didnt make it big on twitch and you dont see me being depressed about it.
They actually have a fantasy league for cs go. and valve sorta does one too when a major happens.
Thats television for you. No one is who they really are on tv, they are just playing a character for ratings.
He is basically Michael Cera in the wasteland.
I didnt listen to the radio, but i did talk to him after i did the Kellogg memory thing. Went up to kent and he started talking about the silver shroud and then i got the quest. The whole thing was fun!
Yeah i dont think you have even played the game
What does it matter how much it cost? the fact that he can play current games at 4k is awesome. Thats something the xb1 or ps4 will never be able to do. Probably not even the next generation of consoles.