
There's a marketing line for ya- "The 1977 Toyota Celica! It slides right in there!"

Save time and money by using a standalone Haltech computer for engine management. Getting any non-factory accessory to work in a modern BMW is an exercise in frustration, and a manual transmission is one hell of a huge accessory

To 11.

Never actually used a real camera, have you? They’re immensely satisfying to those of us who understand them.

To the right of the star (to the right of your name) are three light gray dots. Touch them, and they should offer you the opportunity to edit out your thoughtless comment.

It’s not that hard to understand. Sometimes you just want to look at a piece of art. An interesting watch makes you feel a little better about the world you live in. For sure, they have more utility than earrings or fancy fingernail polish.

Dibs on the secondary fuel pump motor! (aka: Jaguar F-type V8)

If you make it past the first fifty miles, you’ll be okay. Just don't stop the engine for any reason.

BMW’s engineers have ceased to “get it”. I don’t know why, but maybe it’s a German thing. I’ve heard numerous interviews with BMW reps who, when questioned about disappearing manual transmissions, shrug their shoulders and say, “But modern automatics are faster.” Come on, guys! I couldn’t give a rat’s ass whether my


Boy, am I glad that Mike Balaban went along on that drive! If he hadn’t, who would have been there to interrupt Kristen Lee?  I mean, who wants to hear the woman speak?

Best Q-ship ever.

I believe it is customary to let the insured purchase a totalled car for a small percentage of the settled claim. I have heard values in the 10-20% range.

Great car, but styling-wise it took a trip through the blander. It's like a great dish, prepared without salt. You know greatness is there, just hiding beneath the surface.

No, it is still a shape from the future. It just brought along a few of its friends when it time traveled into 1986.

Jesus, just use a stupid lens cap, or something. Or put a steering wheel holder in front of it. Or a helmet rack, or...

The answer is so simple that I’m sure many others have suggested it before now: electrically actuated mechanical latches. Pull them to position one and the doors pop electrically. Failing that, pull the handle to position two and the door unlatches mechanically. Boom. Done. No more pointless deaths.

In what bizarro world do you live in that Christian Covington is unattractive? I’d trade one of my three nuts to look like him. 

Great driving review! I’ve always wondered what it would be like to drive something like this, and now I know. I’d like to see a longer piece as well, (perhaps even a video piece?) about the car’s oddities and what it’s like to own such a beast. Are parts still available? Is it easy to fix once you find the parts? Can

ooooohhhhh, that’s lovely! The car, I mean, not the woman. I mean, I’m sure she’s quite nice and all, but oh...that car!