
YYYeah. I’ll admit that I squealed like a school girl when I saw that old e28. Super-clean and sporting Euro lights and bumpers? Hell yes! I’ve had several of these over the years, and as soon as I have room I’ll buy another one. Durable, relatively simple and easy to fix, they combine sports car steering feel with

I deeply and sincerely love this car, but not at that price. When was the last time you saw a Mitsubishi of this era happily motoring along without oil control issues? The fragile engine and lack of tunability would make this beauty a 10k crack pipe, even if the A/C and engine worked properly. Which they don't.

I respect a man who embraces his illness.

Yeah, yeah... Nice pics of an F40 from All. Possible. Angles. Now, how bout more pics of that sweet Autozam?

I drive a small car and I back into the dead middle of a parking space, leaving at least 2 feet clear behind my car. I can't tell you how many times I’ve come out to find some moron snogged up against my back bumper. *Sigh* There is no escape.

Excellent trade! You got rid of an expensive super-sedan that you couldn’t afford to keep up (don’t feel bad - few mortal men can) in favor of a much simpler, more entertaining car that you can realistically maintain and enjoy for years.   On paper it might sound like a bad trade, but in the real world you did

Flares like that really deserve more than 150 hp and a four speed. 

No. The 924 pre-dated the NA by 3 years IIRC.

Have you driven a first-gen RX-7? It and the 944 are completely different animals.

That’s an utterly lovely car, made back when the world knew what was important in a sports car. It’s not about horsepower or acceleration, but how the car fits around you as it helps you hustle around a twisty road. A car is nothing more than a pretty shell without a competent driver, and without a competent car, the

Can you please stop auto-playing these vids? They stop my podcast player from working which, in turn, drives me away from the Jalopnik site, and keep me from seeing all the lovely ads.

OOoh! Who’s ready for their LS swap?!?

What? You’re not talking about the Dodge Aspen from the 70's? That’s too bad, because there’s no better place in the universe to take a restful nap.

I dunno. About as often as I’ve used the airbag while driving?

The “baby cetacean” Riviera was and is an objectively bad car. Its weight overstressed its drivetrain and pillowy suspension, making most parts subject to random and untimely failures. When subjected to anything but climate controlled storage, their interiors fall apart like discount toilet paper. If you are

Yea. Its amazing what 2 decades of development can do.

How did you escape the seat belt? That was lawsuit territory.


LOVELY car!!

Are you saying that maintaining the staggered wheels/tires on SW20s is not important?