
An 18wheeler, not just because it is freaking awesome (it is, I got my CDL, another bucket list item achieved), but also it is very scary. As car driver it taught me how only just in control a lot of those rigs are, and I give them a lot more space. I recommend it, and especially for cyclists and bikers. You guys need

Respect the GOAT. The LS400 will cart you and yours through town and across the country forever, and they’ll still carting your descendants through the wasteland in comfort long after civilization collapses.

Nissan Skyline ER34

There’s no other answer. Shortest slideshow in Jalopnik history. 

I know it’s a me problem, but no part of me wants to watch Rob or Cleetus talk about anything. I can’t stand either of them. 

Ronald Finger’s Fiero restoration is an inspiration for any do-it-yourselfer.

Now playing

For another great one let me recommend Ronald Finger.

Derek from Vice Grip Garage is back to working on the Independence Chevelle and that should be very interesting. Just dropped an episode today on the engine build.

Ronnie Finger’s Fiero rebuild is nearing the end, but there are 13 full episodes and several of his so-called Saturday Projects where he goes into detail about how he took a complete junker and rebuilt it into essentially a brand-new car, along with all the mistakes and trials he has had along the way. I highly

ViceGrip Garage. He’s hilarious and knowledgeable about just about anything with an engine. DeBoss Garage is great too

I should preface this post by saying that I am a 73 year old that obviously grew up in a different time. From the time I was twelve on, I was taught and believed that a man’s word was his bond and very few people were willing to tarnish their reputation. Sad to say, it doesn’t exist anymore, if it ever did.

How is it “sub-standard”? It had the legally required equipment. By definition, it met the standard.

i did a dumb and got hurt and it's everyone's fault but mine!

Shall I compare thee to a 240z?

My vote? Time-traveling tourists. Sightings are increasing because we’re getting closer to WWIII, a popular destination in time for history buffs.

I thought it was a Sonett.

I have this argument at home all the time! My wife says I'm old, I say I'm a classic. Either way, we both agree I'm bloated, and way overdue for a refresh.

I bought a 350Z new in 2006. It had the same horsepower as a mustang GT.

That one’s cool and all, but I’d take the black one.

Don’t you know the rules of the internet? The commentariat is owed a far more interesting and innovative choice of engine than an LS, whatever the cost may be to this random enthusiast spending his own time and money. Because we - who have no intention to engage in any sort of engine swap - have read too many LS swap