
Hoping that my persecutor gets hoist on his own petard?  mmm.... I’m okay with it.

I was cool with it until I saw the headlig *Braaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhgghg!*  Oh, god, just thinking about them makes me puke.

To my mind, it’s an odd casting choice. Gorman exudes an air of slipperiness that’s absent from (book) Murtry, a man who has always gotten his way through force of will and in-your-face confrontation. While reading, I pictured him looking like Jesse Ventura in Predator, ruggedly handsome and DEFINITELY with a

I’m glad you detailed your own physical specs.  I was beginning to think the LiveWire was petite.   

I consider that to be a happy end to a successful adventure!  WIN!!

Oh, yuck. This is going to become the new “make your hands into blades when you’re running fast” movement, isn’t it?

All that, and not one picture of a vintage Kool-Aid packet?

It's going to be another fucking SUV.

Oh, gosh, no... They looked interesting as art objects, but they were horrible, horrible as sports cars. Anemic engines that you can’t get parts for tied to bad transmission ratios, weak brakes (but I think they *might* have had a “hill-hold” feature for starting on an incline...), and the charming rubber interior

Everyone driving with their phones out is actually furiously swiping left and right to find their next hookup. They just lie about it when caught.

In the third picture, he looks so dejected. I can just hear him whining, “Aww, man!”

It’s happening right now!

Hard disagree. They were fragile, floppy-framed beasts that tried to cash in on t-bucket nostalgia before the market existed. They were touring cars that didn’t have the luggage space to tour, and cruisers that didn’t have the balls to cruise. Combine that with poor gas mileage, an automatic transmission that didn’t

If a car does well what it was designed to do, it will always remain relevant. No dyno test or feature list on any other car will make a 240z or a 325is or a 1st gen Miata any less relevant. That’s why it will be a LOOONG time before the Plymouth Prowler attains ‘classic’ status. It did nothing particularly well,


I wish I could star this ten times.

Rebuildable components are one reason older cars are so satisfying to work on. The electrical motors in my ancient BMW 535 were almost all serviceable, and it was magic to watch them spin again after throwing an hour’s labor at them

Cold kills dreams.

I think your hair is your freak flag and you’re fond of letting it fly. That’s a good thing, at least until that flag starts flapping in other people’s faces. Being a participating member in a social community involves some degree of self-awareness. You’re an intelligent man, so I have to assume you realize that your

Its like a little bitty Bavaria!