
In BMWs, an extra et of brake lights illuminates when you hit the brakes hard.

Are you actually surprised that the sequel wasn’t any better a movie than the original?

If you don’t want to park in the boonies, the only acceptable way to park a car so that nobody gives it a door ding is to park as close as you can to a curb, leaving plenty of space on the other side of the car for Trans-Am owners to swing wide the doors of their chariots.

You could go faster for $5,000, but why would you want to? Oh.... it’s an automatic. Pass.

What’s not to love? The fishbowl in the rear, to start with. Other than that, it’s pretty sweet!

What do you consider “old” in a BMW? A 5-speed, fully functional e30 325i can be bought for $3k all day long, and take you wherever you want to go in retro style, having a hell of a lot of fun as you’re getting there. Same thing for the e28 535i, of which I had three. My e36 328i was a far more civilized chariot,

I can’t believe I’m actually saying this, but.... I WANT IT!!

Oh, god, make it stop!

Ooooh, those tiny, cheap folio keyboards suck so hard. If you have doll-sized fingers and the patience of Buddha, you *might* be able to overcome the fact that they’re soooooo bad. I’m a verified pack rat, yet I ended up throwing mine away out of sheer hate.

I owned one of those years ago. Even with the five-speed, it was, by far, the least “fun” car I’ve ever driven. Underpowered, no steering feel, bad pedal feel, doughy suspension, etc. It wasn’t a BAD car, just an uninspired one. Would probably make a decent beater, if that’s all you wanted out of a car.

Brake! BRAKE! For the love of god, B-R-A-K-E!!!!

Sweet Jesus, would you please stop calling every shitty old car you run across a “barn find”!

The tinkling sound of broken glass is my backup alarm.

You are completely, astoundingly, mind-bogglingly wrong. I’ve owned and long-term driven two dozen cars in my life, and each of them was different to parallel park. The rear view visibility, where the front fenders roll out of your field of vision, the steering angle, the distance between the wheels and the bumpers,

I'm giddy with glee that I still have mine, and after 47 utterly trouble-free years, I pity you poor saps who wander around like deaf men who think that music is pointless because THEY can't hear it.

I agree. I owned one for a year and it was magnificent. The substructure is built like a tank, but the ancillaries are frustratingly delicate. Time was not kind to vacuum servos, and they're all over that car!

The original comment is so ill-considered that I can't even begin.


You are quite correct. There is little reason to believe she's the actual photographer (but I sincerely hope that she is). And to your detractors: Ignoring our sad history of gender inequality will not make it go away. In all probability, the woman was just a passing observer.

Because Getty's descriptions are now considered to be verified documentation, right?