
Yes, hers is a horrifically low wage. But I have to wonder, if she weren't making Santa hats, what would that girl be doing instead to make money? Programming computers or teaching her native language to foreign students? Or shoveling pig manure? Weaving mats? Cleaning dishes? It's impossible to know, but

Lamborghini did NOT build an SUV in the 1980's. The LM002 was an assault vehicle, not something your bubbleheaded wife would take your spawn (and six of your spawn's best friends) to soccer practice in.

Wait a minute - having the "wrong" color of paint can "completely ruin" a car?

No. Just.....no. Both parties were pricks. Both deserve to have their licenses pulled for a few years until they can grow up.

No, it should be against the law to be foolish enough to assume that you can afford a 10 year old car that sold for $100,000 new, and not have to plunk down some serious money for repairs. There's a good reason these cars are so cheap, folks! (And yes, I have owned my share of old Benzes)

Upon seeing the title of this article, I was prepared to shake my head knowingly and say, "No. There are no other cars that are the 240Z." I was pleasantly surprised! They are indeed Zs! :-)

That's the point. "good enough" means, "loud and clear enough to be heard over background noise." As much as I love my current phone, its speaker is PITIFUL. Trying to show someone else a video is an exercise in frustration.

It's not about feeling "important", it's about getting my job done without being tied to a power cord. I use my phone almost constantly during the day, and the 2000 mah battery in my phone is often drained well before lunch. I used to swap batteries, but the sealed cases on the best of the new smartphones makes

Why fill up the gas tank of your car when the next gas station is only a quarter mile away?

I don't care if he was flying on the freakin' wing. The man literally (not figuratively) risked his life to preserve your freedoms, and you don't think we should perform this TINY little service for him? I feel sad for you.

I don't know. *I* thought it was a humorous comment. Perhaps your humor-meter might be mis-calibrated?

'Fare', not 'fair'. I hope battery life does make a leap forward. I've used smartphones since they first came out (Kyocera 6135), and I've always envied those people who can go a full day without having to charge.

Yes. Completely. (hint: Only the 280's (and late 260's) had big bumpers, and of those, only the 77 and 78 were had the accordion finishers.) It's true that I've spent waaay too much of my life staring at the undersides of Z cars!

It's simple. You don't understand the definition of the word "value". You do not value what this car offers. The target market for this car are people who WILL value it, and they will pay dearly for what it offers. You and I will continue to drive secondhand, supercharged Miatas (or whatever your brand of choice

Why the hate? It probably cost BMW $15 to implement since they're already supplying power to the seat, and I imagine it would be a dead simple thing to circumvent if you didn't like it.

Gotta tell ya - I moaned when I saw this picture.

An eminently fair writeup. Thanks for keeping it free of the fanboi plague.

I can't love it, because then they will make it go away.


It doesn't sound as cool to say that he drew a big, blue worm.