
You made a lovely video, Kien. Thank you.

You miss the point. Many people talk into a handset at a far greater volume level than they speak to someone right next to them. And because it's in a confined space, there's no way to escape. Everyone else would have to increase their volume level so they could be heard, and pretty soon we've got a very

I've rooted my Nook Simple Touch, and it runs Android 2.x juuuust fine. It makes a great, super-lightweight poolside tablet, as long as you don't expect it to be an iPad killer.

Off-topic, perhaps, but I will never be able to take you quite as seriously as long as you're using that icon.

The worst aspect of Win8 so far has been finding help with my issues. The reaction I tend to get is, "What, you don't understand it?? It's so INTUITIVE! Just put your pickles in the medicine cabinet and your socks in the oven and it works just FINE!" *sigh* It seems like they took something that worked well and

He didn't say it was an Ultimate Arrow. It's shown as being a Tuatara.

@Ryan: Look at the rest of his decor. The industrial casters don't look out of place.

Airline security screens are not the main issue here. In this country we are such prudes that we're willing to make a federal case over some anonymous person in a hidden room seeing our winkies and vajayjays. It's just SKIN, people, the same as a nose or a finger or an earlobe. We pack so much significance into

I'm so sorry to hear this. It was so nice to think that a startup company could pressure the big DSLR manufacturers to step up their game. Competition like that rarely fails to improve the breed.

I'm so sorry to hear this. It was so nice to think that a startup company could pressure the big DSLR manufacturers to step up their game. Competition like that rarely fails to improve the breed.

Okay, people, it's time to stop being stupid. The purpose behind these cards isn't so you can show the officer how wrong he/she is, it's to use them as flash cards and educate yourself so you don't HAVE to pull out the cards when the time comes.

@NeoTechni: You are completely and utterly wrong.

@akarpens: If you believe you are witnessing an officer doing something wrong, you have every right - no, you have an OBLIGATION to document it to the best of your ability and THEN go to the proper channels with proof. We do not live in Nazi Germany, and the police are not the all-powerful SS.

This is epic. The portability of a tablet when you want it, and the lap stability & input speed of a netbook when you need it. If they come out with this sucker and it's got a truly good keyboard, I'll buy the freakin' iPad! (I was hoping for the Always Innovating TouchBook, but... meh.)

@Pahoo: No, it completely doesn't defeat the point. It would turn the iPad from a toy into something useful to me. I have not purchased an iPad because it's a pure consumer device, and I like to produce (write). If I could dock the iPad and type for six hours on a full-sized keyboard with real keys, then pull the

The back case of my Sandisk E250 MP3 player is made of LiquidMetal. The front is all scratched to hell, but the back looks brand new.

@JohnDeere: My receivers have IR repeaters attached to them. A tiny LED under the TV bezel is all you see from the outside.

@yaschwartz: And how is this any worse than having your electronics sitting out for the burglars to see? I can see a number of ways to put a lock on the panel that would slow the burglars down, even if it didn't completely stop them.