Huell Howitzer

I really thought this was some sort of dessert pizza, like a brownie dough, chocolate fudge and peanut butter toppings.

Thanks to stupidity of governing bodies, Indy 500 actualy looks exciting this time.

How long will you cry and whine about it?

Yeah, but isn’t that the mask. lot of us wear when things go badly? I think a lot of what we call growing up is controlling our flip out moments. It is in my case.

He did a fantastic job of being professional when his team just cost him the victory.

He wasn't crying or whining during interviews, and acknowledged his part in their loss.

Hamilton sure has grown up alot. Very professional. Inthink he is the best driver out ther right now. I can’t imagine what the old Hamilton would have said or done Fter something like this happened.

Or... maybe you lack critical car skills others have.

You could not be more wrong, sir. Parallel parking NEEDS to be on the test. Given that a great deal of Maryland is very urban, parallel parking is a must, and should be tested for to ensure some dumbass isn’t going to push in the corner of my bumper. Really, how long can it take? If you don’t get it right the first

The most dangerous thing a driver does is back up, better to have them do it and learn how to it safely at low speeds.

I disagree. This shows car control, that the operator is aware as to the size of the car, placement, and how to safely reverse the car.

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The McDonald’s one is even better IMO! Also this one:

Mid-90s Dave was the best Dave because of shit like this. Awesome.

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So sad about Letterman. This is an all-time classic.

Me too, used to hunt down watches online like mad!

I remember seeing them on ebay years ago sold as NOS. However I did not quite trust its authenticity and so did not pull the trigger on it. I wished I had though. It looks great.

This looks epic.. I kinda want one..

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Hinchcliffe hit the wall in almost the same spot as Gordon Smiley did during qualifying for Indy 500 on May 15, 1982. The main differences were angle of impact, the speed at which the wall was hit, and what 30 years of engineering gives you. It shows how huge the introduction of the carbon fiber chassis was to

Potter’s family is really regretting the decision not to stage an intervention before he hit rock bottom.