Huell Howitzer

I’m here for the persistent ads that pepper the articles, we still get to enjoy those, right?

For the few people who think mimes are hilarious.

It’s so frustrating to try to respect Musk. He does great things and then seems to intentionally sabotage any possible complete respect by doing dumb things like naming his kid X Æ A-Xii, acting like he’s above the SEC, accuses some guy on the other side of the planet he knows nothing about of pedophilia, shows how

The Next Generation is definitely still on the US Netflix. I’ve been watching the entire series for the last month or so; just watched an episode last night.

WTF! Stop the thread! Is that something from the Philippines?

I love how Idaho, the state of potatoes, is surrounded by potato loving states while they want nothing to do with them as a centerpiece side on Thanksgiving. They’re probably damn sick of the things by November.

Measurements in S.O.L. sounds just about right.

Dude, it’s all about the family.

13,000" jumps? No. I don’t believe it. That has to be BS. I don’t think that number is necessary or mathematically possible. He’s got decent motorcycle mileage under his belt over years of stunts on bikes and this one doesn’t even require a landing. If he’s practicing a jump where he bails on a bike in the air- the

Ran plain out of empathy several months ago. Now I’ve learned to make peace with being just fine with the evil and dumb half of the country dying off. I’m rooting for Darwin at this point.

Pretty sure it’s a Doug Demuro video.

Fame doesn’t equal fortune, and, the US healthcare system is a cancer in itself.

200 likes for that post? It wasn’t that amazing. I mean, it’s a kinda blurry cut and paste of someone else’s work and now that’s it’s an image, the hyperlinks aren’t even clickable. Meh!

It’s all part of the job!

I wonder how long the T1000 would have strung the husband along by patiently preparing a vegetable stew for dinner, waiting for a phone call. Seemed like she was well into the role, chopping up the vegetables and pretending to be a normal mother. Like...maybe a couple of days? Doing chores and just hanging out by the

I heard from an insider that they’re already planning a sequel called “Blood Moon Sky” about a guy traveling to Eastern Europe for treatment of a mysterious illness with his daughter, but his the flight is delayed for eight hours and it ends up he’s over the Pacific at night under a full moon and turns into a

I should probably just read the books- I know they’re fantastic. The joyless atmosphere and plodding British accents that are de rigeur for sci-fi these days doesn’t really inspire me to watch this series.

No, that’s not rewarding loyalty, that’s punishing people who aren’t members. It’s thuggish bullying. Do you kick your cat to reward the dog’s good behavior?