
Best article since that other guy left. A touch more analysis over opining would be nice. A larger sample set to evaluate would be a good investment.

I was offshore for most of that; I remember the fires the most. Even from several miles away, they were extremely hot. The destruction was severe. It was a detached fascination at first watching artillery and other various ordinance hit the city. Turned to disbelief and horror when you realized those were hotels,

i thought reports werent great on these despite being sick af

I read a book by a SF (Delta Force) soldier who actually used these things in the Gulf war and he hated them . 2WD, bogged down as soon as it saw sand and the VW sourced engines were way underpowered and failled all the time.

There’s a bunch of assumptions in the various studies for nuclear winters. They mostly assume everything will burn and the burning will spread. There’s assumptions about the materials of cities, and assumptions that all forests in Washington and Montana will burn from silo spreads. Much of these depend on the time of

It was called Lob ‘N Toss by aircrews. Nuclear weapons were sufficiently inaccurate in those days, that getting them in the same zip code as the target was good enough.

What about soldiers that might be standing nearby to protect the armor from ambush or attack? I know the explosion of a rocket/tank might injure them, but there is now a not-insignificant chance that one will barely dodge a rocket only for the tank to take a chunk of his head out with its automated robot shotgun.

Maxim 11. Everything is air-droppable at least once.

“constructive feedback?”

Hi Justin.

He was shot down by a SAM you dumbass. He spent over five years as a POW, after fracturing his arms and a leg and getting bayoneted by his captors. He only received medical treatment days later when they figured out who his dad was. Then when he refused to be released early for North Vietnamese propaganda reasons, he

It’s a combination of everyone. During the planning phase there was a congressional panel formed who asked the military for a list of capabilities. Because this was supposed to be a platform shared among the Air Force, Marines, and Navy each branch formed their own committee and then they got together and presented a

Excuse me, but this man here below did in fact all ready build a low cost, ground attack/support platform.

Can this image be preemptively banned on thedrive?

I don’t think he was trying to block anybody. I think he noticed the biker in left lane coming at a high rate of speed and got fixated trying to avoid him by switching back to the right lane. Then he failed to notice the other bike coming up even faster and inadvertently blocked him. Obviously this is just

I think the authors original assessment could be what happened. If I’m changing lanes and a bike comes up fast tehn I will go back to my original lane. The problem is he might not have seen the guy passing on his right because he was focused on the guy in the left lane. Sorry but the bike that passed on the right is

And it might also mean an outdated system that wasn’t designed to withstand the current workload

No one is talking about enough nukes to kill america. They’re talking about a nuclear detonation high in the atmosphere, the resulting electromagnetic pulse of which would do extensive damage to the electronics-dependent US infrastructure, taking out everything from food refrigeration warehouses to (formerly)

I thought I addressed the catastrophically emergent nature of it all with my flippant cannibalism remark.