
Nope. Sorry. Makes no sense at all. Lots of energy coming up with wild theories as to why U.S. government operatives wanted to cover this up but there is really no viable reason the Vietnamese government would do this. Why hold POWs secretly? Doesn’t it put more pressure on the U.S. government if the public

Agreed. There really wasn’t ever any reason for the North Vietnamese government to hold POWs that long after the war. They had a bargaining chip, why not use it? They would have been even MORE valuable if the public was made aware. It simply doesn’t make any sense. The only reason I ever hear is “they were the

As you can see it has a danish flag on it. It isn’t a bandage, its his Danish Kamikaze bandana or Hachimaki.

For some reason I find it hard to break out of the mindset that 90’s are not far behind us, and anything made after 2005 is spanking new.

Ladies and gents, your de facto First Lady.

The neighbors vet will spend forever trying to figure out how depleted uranium foam got all over the damn dog.

Still offers better CAS than an F-35.

Already more combat-effective than the F-35

“Untraceable” cash as opposed to what? WalMart gift cards?

I’d say vote for Johnson. It’s better than not voting at all. There’s almost no chance of him winning, but if he gets a good turnout this year then maybe in 2020 the third party candidates will get more coverage and a better shot at the presidency. By not voicing your discontent, you’re allowing the two party system

Most of the Chinese knockoffs claim that they were made by the same workers in the same factory actually. Sometimes that’s true, I know a guy that bought a brand new EOTech for half off and he didn’t even realize it was a knockoff till he looked closer and it actually said EORTech on the side. That’s the only

I am quite involved in astronomical telescope optics.

“Yes. And based on this information, we can only assume that this means it is constructed entirely of unobtanium, with a cloaking device, a nuclear gravitron death ray, and the ability to dive underwater.”

Best article since that other guy left. A touch more analysis over opining would be nice. A larger sample set to evaluate would be a good investment.

I was offshore for most of that; I remember the fires the most. Even from several miles away, they were extremely hot. The destruction was severe. It was a detached fascination at first watching artillery and other various ordinance hit the city. Turned to disbelief and horror when you realized those were hotels,

i thought reports werent great on these despite being sick af

I read a book by a SF (Delta Force) soldier who actually used these things in the Gulf war and he hated them . 2WD, bogged down as soon as it saw sand and the VW sourced engines were way underpowered and failled all the time.

It was called Lob ‘N Toss by aircrews. Nuclear weapons were sufficiently inaccurate in those days, that getting them in the same zip code as the target was good enough.

And it might also mean an outdated system that wasn’t designed to withstand the current workload