
The two of the flying off into their own sunset together would have worked just fine. The had their battle, lost family and friends, and now had each other. The rest of the Galaxy could go to hell.

76 miles is a long way. Consider the Greek islands right off the shoreline of Turkey. You can swim those distances easily... but they are still Greek.

One thing I hate seeing is the “Nuclear Winter theory” being repeated. Look, I agree that even a small Nuclear war is bad in immoral, but I think that causes people to not really examine things like Nuclear Winter theory like they should.

OK, you quoted your own conspiracy theory again. Reposting doesn’t make it a fact. This is all conspiracy: “the politicos who” - blame unnamed politicians, “devastating to a number of careers and reputations” blame unnamed military leaders, “my personal and professional opinion that the CIA was the lead agency” and

OK, hold up a sec. So the Vietnamese have been holding Americans since 1975. So where are they? Did they suddenly become less valuable as time went on?

An alternative story is that there was a rumor or an unreliable source claiming there were prisoners, looking either for a check or some other favor from a US

They should build in viruses for these things that will adapt the local network to search out Tienanmen Square, Tibet Independence, Nation of Taiwan, and Falun Gong. They would never get any useful intel as all the military scientists would be immediately arrested.

My sunroof sometimes leaks, and drops water on my head. I can accept that.

Saltwater into an electric motor!?! AWWW HELL NO!!!

Sorry, I’m White, I can’t use that really good expressive version, so instead I shall say: “Water intrusion into electrical devices is not appropriate. Not at all!”

I had to Google if he was married! I’ve only herd of Ivanka.

As a current own of 2 Honda CRX, well 5 if you count ALL that I’ve ever owned, I appreciate his dedication.

Your closing thought “Jesus, Pentagon, lighten up. Maybe instead of just crying about how hard it’ll be to kill people in the future, you eggheads can maybe spend some time thinking about how to make it suck less?” really misses the point.

It’s the civilian government’s job to figure out how to make things “suck less”

Worst. RC. Ever. ;)

I think we may have found a way to get kids interested in Agriculture again: Weaponized Ag!

Imagine the seeds could be planted by RC A10 passes, or send in the RC B-52s, “WINGTIP TO WINGTIP” to get your corn in even if the ground is wet.

Corn harvesting would be done with RC PJ’s of course!

Also a better love story than Twilight

I almost squeed when I hear the little BRRRRT!

As a west coast environmentalist who goes to the beach... Um, yes, MAD works quite well so far, thank you very much. So yes, I’ll gladly trade the exceedingly small threat of my city getting irradiated when the base next to me gets nuked to the exceedingly large threat that my favorite beaches will be visited by

Look, this is just hearsay from me. I’m just repeating back something I had read from an account of a soldier in the field talking about his experience. It could have been a post here, an interview, a post on another forum, or even a product review on LA Police Gear.

That’s funny about the optics. I’ve heard that when soldiers went to Afganistan, they would take off their expensive US made optics and buy locally imported chinese knockoffs that they didn’t feel bad knocking around. Apparently the chinese optics were close enough quality wise.

I am ashamed no one pointed to the Foxtrot Alpha article on the matter:

It’s not just the missile warning you are looking for, it’s getting a visual on the characters in the air around you.

No one ever mentions the super snow performance! Unfortunately mine had the recessed headlights, so I had to stop and scoop snow out periodically. I have a photo of the speedometer buried... just so I could prove it possible.