
Belgian Malinois are police dogs. One thing they are known for is a stratospheric pain tolerance. Yes they feel it, it just doesn’t bother them as much.

Having had a Belgian Malinois, I’ll agree with the Living and Breathing part... Pain Experiencing? Hmmm. I think you have to prove that first. My little Lucy’s pain level went from Zero to Annoyed.

Now playing

I think that combat drones can allow you to think outside the box. Consider the Boston Dynamics Wildcat drone:

To specifically answer you question on cities and size:

No, the “100 Cities” is a refinement of the Nuclear Winter theory that got a bunch of play back in 2014 when Scientific American ran an article about it. Basicly their point was that if India and Pakistan duked it with nukes, we would be screwed worldwide. The 100 cities is a much lower number than they used before

I strongly dispute the theory of Nuclear Winter

Get out.


Ah, no. There is no airborne laser system capable of “melting a tank”. There is not even a ground based laser capable of melting a tank. Sure, in a factory setting you have laser based cutters, but nothing like that exists in a weapons platform, outside of conspiracy theories.

I don’t know. Laser would be an effective missile killer from long distance, as it could blind the seeker head or ablate through the body to destroy the warhead/delivery vehicle in flight. I don’t think you have enough flight time with an RPG to achieve burn through of the casing, and there is no guidance system to

Exactly my thought. I would also worry about the possibility of fratricide/civilians killed if someone just shot a model rocket or bottle rocket by one of these systems. You have to leave it on all the time or you’ll die in ambush, yet leaving it on exposed everyone around you to mortal injury all the time though

What you are talking about is a political question. I would point out something Dan Carlin has said: “Which candidate is running on a platform that will help secure your 4rth Amendment rights?” I’m not talking about a presidential candidate either, I’m breaking it down further than that. Where is you local elected

Constructive feedback: How about doing some research on how they plan to recover these craft IN THE AIR. This is a fundamental problem. This is like saying “In 2020 we will build an electric Long Haul Tractor Trailer that will be powered by Fusion Reactors that Ford is working on now” Um, no they aren’t, unless they

No armoured cockpit?

I’ve always wondered if those engines couldn’t have the thrust reversers added for short landings. That, plus a Roomba like deck drone that would reach out and snatch a plane from the air then do all the braking itself instead of a trapwire. Then, instead of folding wings we just tip them over the edge into holsters

Guys, guys, guys... no. We are Americans, we can do much better than simply shoot their plane down. Something much more... Eeeeeviillll.

But there IS something that degrades turbines almost immediately: Vocanic Ash

After hearing about the Hyperloop, then seeing videos of supersonic ping pong ball guns, I’ve wondered about running a vacuum tube launch system up the side of a Rocky mountain. At the point a capsule would exit the tube it would only be subject to 1/2 the air pressure at sea level. It could use a slowly accelerating

PGM seems like it would be a GREAT business to get into. I’m surprised there hasn’t been a larger upswell of PGM components based on the drone industry. In a time where we can use propeller aircraft to shoot pickup trucks on the ground, how has private industry NOT come up with a $1000 guidance package yet?

Actually, I think of the Kamikaze as the first example of the Precision Guided Munition. Unfortunately, the computer guidance package didn’t have a manufacturer, it had parents.