
I love the little Hydra pack - for when you absolutely positively need only 7 more rockets.

You know, that may not be such a bad idea:

Count the guns again - that is an OCTO-.50!

“Who’s your Daddy?” Haha, I say that to my kids all the time...

Ah yes, the OTHER place our darn cars rust out!

Actually, it’s your front jack points... which were also the conduits for any internal condensation. There are no intact jack points in salt states.

Actually, I like this video much better. Much more haunting atmospherics.

Um, guys? You realize that a nuclear detonation ANYWHERE in the world could plausibly be caused by the USA? That is the whole reason behind our Stealth program - you don’t see us come in or out, and your cities blow up unexpectedly.

This has to go on a list of perfect driving songs. Every time I hear it, my foot gets a little deeper on the pedal, the braking comes later, I downshift deeper into the powerband, and my kids strapped in the back are frightened when I finally drop them off for school.

This would explain the “double tap” strikes that kills the people rushing in to aid the wounded.

Think of this less like a conventional aircraft, and more like a toy quadcopter. They just scaled up the toy.

All right, I think I’ve got the only appropriate name:

I think part of the conversation also needs to be the training level of the NK warfighter. How much do they actually train to shoot rapidly and for long periods, and what is their accuracy like? How do they compare to the training levels of ROK soldiers?

I would add a “Phase 0: Red Flag Evacuation” Here there would be a cover operation that had “Discovered a trail of smuggled in nuclear components int downtown Seoul via elaborate tunnel system” They can even discover a highly irradiated corpse with plans for a dirty bomb in an apartment somewhere in Northern Seoul.

Do you sell snacks to the artillery crews or what? Working in the commissary would technically make you “working with” and artillery unit. ;)

You missed the qualification of the statement - that was THE VERY WORST POSSIBLE, not the most likely scenario. In fact, here is what that line said:

You are presuming NK has a ton of artillery that can fire beyond the 35Km from the city to the DMZ. Actually, it would be farther since they aren’t going to park it right at the line.

Honestly I think there is a good chance we’ll see a nuclear detonation in Syria, delivered by Russia on behalf of Assad, and it will be dropped someplace like Raqqa... just before Saudi troops enter the city.

Actually that may be a myth. I’ve seen a convincing case made that the only tube artillery NK has that can hit Seoul is really really old and has a very low fire rate, like minutes per shot, not shots per minute. So rather than carpeting the city in shells, it would be more of a random explosion periodically somewhere

Thank you, Ken M.