
“Hey Farve, what’s that new Root themed Jazz club you like to go to?”

For everyone here who is saying “No big deal, It’s just a shell” and making an analogy to a car with no engine, tranny, and for the sake of example only enough electronics to open the door. No big whup - right?

Well, sort of... education is only part of it. I’d like to point out that many of the most effective Islamic terrorists hitting the US were quite well educated. Engineers even.

I wonder if they support an Iraqi Kurdistan for the worst reason: So they can deport their domestic “Kurdish Problem”?

Thank you for your service, and thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts so clearly on this matter!

Calling it an “Iron Bomb” is also a relic. There is a new type called Cast Ductile Iron Bomb that is supposed to be a replacement for cluster munitions. The future of “Iron Bombs” is both terrifying and smart!

Now that we have identified gravitational waves, scientists can finally begin work on a device that will pull a remote control off the coffee table that is way over there directly into your hand.

That’s the whole point - a vehicle gets taken out and NO ONE has to stop. Depending on the load in the vehicle, you can either let them have it (say it’s full of rice) or you can nuke it from orbit (if it’s carrying weapons you can hit it with an air strike).

The threat of DPRK shelling of Seoul is overblown. They don’t have alot of the big guns needed to do that shelling, and the ones they do have are old and can’t keep up a sustained barrage. Let’s not touch the idea that their artillery ammunition may not be the freshest out there either.

They were part of the original F-14 deal before the Shah shit the pot. Every Tomcat came with Phoenix missiles and a Kenny Logins CD.

Big Dog needs those packs dismounted, and a chainsaw put on its front. The back needs to be covered with smoke and grenade dispensers. It needs a semi-auto AP weapon to knock down vehicals.

He was really inspired by the song “Deck the halls”

I think the A-10 successor needs to be drone based - and it needs to be smaller and much cheaper. It should be controllable from a forward drone controller as well as from back at base. The way I envision it would be more like a circling AC-130, miniaturized and essentially disposable, providing a machine gun nest in

Was the username Ken M already taken?

Exactly, that’s my point. It’s a 5th gen (or 4.95 gen) for the rest of the world. I would be the Philippines would be interested in something like this... How about Viet Nam? Pakistan? Georgia? All sorts of markets for this, depending on how it’s outfitted.

What I find interesting is there might be an export competitor to the F-35, and for that matter the PAK-50. Being the third or fourth out of the gate means you get to learn the lessons cheaply that everyone else paid dearly for. Besides the advantage of NOT locking yourself into having a single LM computer system run

That’s not going to happen, because the other states can MAD each other out. Russia bombing non-state actors, especially ISIS... it’s not like anyone will put up more that a feeble sniffle of protest. And they would be protesting use of a nuke, not the target.

Really, Russia dropping a few tactical nukes would not surprise me at all, especially if it looked like Russian forces were being directly imperiled. I’m VERY surprised they didn’t drop a nuke in retaliation for the airliner.

ISIS is no friend, ISIS is a tool. ISIS is a tool to fight the Kurds, both inside Syria AND inside Turkey proper. The Erdogan regime can say honesty that the government took no part in bombings and massacres of terrorists (or what we would call Kurds) inside Turkey - it was just terrorist groups fighting each other.

I once watched a Keith Haring figure float out of my hood and float over my roof.