
No, I’m agreeing with what you posted earlier - that there are some Sunni’s that help run the country - but the ruling core is Alawite, which is a branch of Shia. Iran is helping a Shia dictator, not a Sunni defense minister.

What is this - an airplane for ants?

While the government is secular, it is historically based around and led by the Alawites. The Sunni’s who are there have thrown their lots in with them so they can have a cut of the pie too. The vast majority of the lands that are ISIS/rebel held: Sunni. The areas in Iraq that are ISIS held: Sunni.

Yes, military worship is weird, uh, “Sniper”

It’s odd seeing a target rectical on screen, and the explosion no where near it. That’s just weird. It’s telling the enemy that the safest spot to be on is where the Russians are aiming at.

I think what everyone gets wrong here is that the Israelis don’t have to worry about Russian S-3/4/500 missile systems or the point defense systems surrounding them. There is only one target in Syrian that can be hit and the whole Russian tent will fold up and go home: Assad.

We could carpet bomb Germany, because the entire nation was our enemy. We could carpet bomb Japan for the same reason. As we could North Viet Nam.

Dude, thank you for that insight: You are absolutely correct: Obama is a genius!

Actually, I think that IS the proper way to refer to them, since they hate it AND they are douchbags. Fuck Them. I prefer to call them by my official title “Allah disrespecting father fu&*ers who are easily killed by women... or DAESH in my acronym.

One thing I did gain an appreciation for with the F-35 from your interview was it’s ease of access for working on things. Could you explain that for me a little? I wonder if that aspect comes from modular design, or from bigger/more access panels, or something else?

That I 100% agree with. The most credible threat we have is that we can destroy an enemy without mass casualties.

8 Minutes. You think were are going to send a nuke in 8 minutes? That’s the flight time of a DF21. You think they can get full release authorization in 8 minutes on anything short of a full ICBM spread?

A nuke is a wide area weapon. The DF21D is a precision guided weapon. Why would you kill the carrier with a nuke if you can kill it with a conventional weapon? Conventional is much cheaper! Why risk loosing a nuke or two when you can ripple off a dozen conventionals and have exactly the same kill?

Wow, we spent a whole crap ton of Patriot missiles on rockets aimed at dirt! I wonder why that was... maybe because a city or a base was between it and the dirt? And what was on those bases and cities... people! Lots of them! What could have been on the tips of those rockets... VX, Sarin, and whatever else we taught

We very much DO give the benefit of the doubt to ballistic missile launches.

Nope. There are no radioactive craters in Iraq from when Saddam launched against our land bases in Saudi Arabia, or against our close friend Israel. There is no such thing as a nuclear strike against a ballistic launch.

The fact the we HAVE had ballistic missiles launched at US forces in the field, from an enemy SPECIFICALLY KNOWN TO HAVE WMD EQUIPPED MISSILES! At our allies who supply us with strategically important oil!

Well, context matters I would think.

The T-50 is so stealthy you will NEVER see it operationally deployed!