
You know what the most interesting US/ROK strategy might be? Invade the Chinese and Russian border zones first. Basically the strategy is to place an anvil force that would strike just behind the borders and work in a few miles, setting up refugee camps inside the borders for the inevitable flood to come. Then the

One of the big defence companies is looking at making a C-130 into a drone aircraft carrier. I’m really interested in how they do launch and recovery, as computer guidance would be much better than slow man hands.

They are already behind you.

Nope, I’m calling BS on the “Seoul will be leveled by artillery” meme.

HellPhish89 mentioned that 138 women had gone through some specific pretraining prior to this school, but I had not seen anything about this yet. If there was pretraining that would be news to me.

I had not heard that before - do you have any links or sources on that? I’m very interested in the whole process they went through. It was my understanding from different articles (DefenceOne) that they didn’t get prior training or mentoring.

Sure, rates are low now. The will go up somewhat in the future, as now women will know that that particular option is open to them and they can start preparing for it in advance - instead of having it thrust on them as these 19 women did.

While a laser would be very effective against aerodynamic targets, I don’t see them being very effective against ground targets. Why? Even ISIS has the perfect laser countermeasure: Snakes. Those kiddy fireworks that are legal everywhere, where you light a disk and it grows a column of foamy black ash. Cover your

A mirror is not as reflective as you think. A chromed or otherwise mirrored surface would just take a millisecond longer to burn through.

There were men who were recycled through the same phase too - many more men than women repeated each phase.

An article on Defense One made mention that some of the difficulties these women were facing in this school were not physical skills, but leadership skills. It was pointed out that the men who were taking this KNEW they could and would take this well in advance, so they had ample time to prep and have good mentoring.

Your numbers are way off: 400 Candidates - 381 men, 19 women was the starting count.

Actually that did clear it up a little. I wrote the above 3 months ago, so I had to go back and get up to speed on my argument.

I’m not saying he IDEA was trivial - quite the contrary. It’s the execution, as well as integration into overall combat training. I’m not saying Russians are dumb, I’m saying they are poor. They have good ideas, but unless you can maintain and train with these weapons too they are paper tigers.

Funny pic, but I wish you had written out a paragraph the size of the picture!

HAHAHAHAHAHA... ahhh, that’s a great one. I’m going to have to share that with my Indian friend, as he would be surprised if the T 50 was capable of anything. Russia might build 12, which means 2 might be air worthy at any moment.

Except we know what those are like, countries that had recently acquired those craft became NATO countries. So we got a very close look at them, and were able to train specifically against those capabilities. We found it was a neat idea, but not implemented very well. In the end, not the game changing threat we

Nuclear retaliation is all they have, so it becomes the only thing they can negotiate with. As long as we are not making a run on the cities with an invasion force, they won’t be faced with a true existential threat. It’s not like we are gonna launch anything, even if they do launch a limited strike. There is so

OK, I will give you the hypothetical: That the new russian planes you mentioned are near equivalent in capabilities - that is still a big IF.

I’m assuming this would be a straight up invasion of Russia, so troops would be in place instead of on the roads. OK, that means they are static targets for our precision air/artillery forces. We don’t even really need to kill them, just prevent them from being useful. It’s not like we are actually going to occupy