
You have no chance to survive. Make your time.

Current versions finally match a 40yo missile... horay.

See the Rapid Raptor exercises...

So, you are saying Japan will become what is essentially a big Gay nation (few children - FABULOUSLY wealthy). I see no problem with this.

OK “defenestrae” and any of the 72 others who upvoted his post:

If they did that, they wouldn’t have to drop APC’s, they could just hover around the battlespace and ablate everyone to death with the kicked up debris.

What I think they need is a drone cart that would autonomously place itself in the jet exhaust path. All it has to be is a large pallet on castors the has a top made of the ceramic that landed the shuttles.

I agree! Now all we have to do is get a VTOL version of the F22 for the Marines. We don’t want to limit their abilities either, so we will have to develop VTOL versions of the Specter and SR72 as well!

Made of Green Renewable Materials - Also Wind Powered! The new Green Navy!

It’s a perfect Stealth Hull too. Hey, I wonder if this could be our next Littoral craft?

It’s about time it came in for a refit. How can any ship in the US Navy not be equipped with a CIWS and at least one vertical launch system? There might even be room for and AEGIS system... but that would require a really long power cord back to shore.

Good points - Massed troops and minefields.

You missed my point - that line was talking about shore bombardment, or laying down a line of artillery fire for your troops to advance behind. In other words, throwing alot of “bang” in a general direction hoping it does something. Like strategic bombing in WWII. I fully support using the guided munitions in railguns

This goes back to something I posted on the Infrared systems that are being fitted to planes - we need to mount them on the front of an air breathing missile system: Creating a “Probe” if you will, like in Star Trek.

“Such a setup would be ideal for long-range ship-to-shore area suppression and attacks on large fixed targets.”

Again, I would point out that this is not supposed to be an order of royal succession. The country does not belong to the Obama Dynasty, Clinton Dynasty, Bush Dynasty, nor Romney Dynasty. Saudi Arabia is Arabia that belongs to the House of Saud. It is VERY important that they have the next leader chosen before this

I was thinking that too - but I was also thinking about sea level rise in the next 50 years are going to sink these islands again anyway. That combined with salt water on the rebar and South Pacific storms... did they just go to war with the Pacific Ocean?

As I posted to T5Killer: the people who come in #2,3, 4 in an election ARE in the know about relevant events just from the news. All they need is the latest briefing. That’s no different from their first day in office anyway.

They only have SOME more information. In this news based world, you really have to try to not keep abreast of current events - especially if you were #2, 3, and #4 in any given election. Those people know what’s going on, except for the latest briefing. AND you forget that previous VPs were specifically OUT OF THE