Fi Brown

I'm sorry, the situation with your grandmother sounds truly horrible. I wish more places in the world offered a person control over their own death.

I'm sorry you lost your husband and that his death was not as he would have wished.

What a hideous excuse for a human. I hope he never has to watch any of his loved ones having a slow, agonising death.

Not to mention that having one's tampon yanked out sounds rather painful.

It sucks, doesn't it? Hope you got time just chilling out. I've found that it's really important having people around me who try and understand and be supportive.

Oh goodness! I read the article and thought that was awful. Shouting at the computer screen awful. I went on and read the comments and have no words. It's not just that they are woefully ignorant, they're also happy to say, in a public forum, that those that cannot be vaccinated aren't their problem and so what if

Are you saying you do not believe any of these women?

I'm in the UK and I try to keep up with important stuff happening on your side of the pond because we often follow your lead on stuff.

I love this book but it makes me weep every time I read it. Am sure I probably put both of my children off it as I was a snivelling, snotty mess when I read it to them.

I really hope you're not from the UK.

Poor lady. Am stunned that the surgeon would go along with it especially for the height she wants. Won't she end up looking rather out of proportion?

Agree with you so much. My SO and I are broke at the moment so had agreed cards only. He got me a really lovely card but the very best thing was that he spent the day with me in bed.

I think you're ok. We've got our own bunch of idiots in Europe to worry about!

Never have truer words been said!

Oh my! I know my fair share of sexist idiots but don't think any of them would be brave or stupid enough to say something like this in public setting at a professional occasion.

This is such a great response. Completely impossible to argue with.

Pizza Fiorentina has an egg in the middle as you describe. It's delicious

Women do understand it but the abuse doesn't just come out of the blue. It's a drip, drip, drip until all your confidence is eroded and your left wondering which way is up.

Whatever you perceive your failings to be, they do not excuse his infidelity or his recent behaviour towards you.

Be strong. You can do this. Everyone here is willing you on.