Fi Brown

Well done for getting out. It isn't easy.

This. All of this. Milk is evil.

As an atheist, I'm feeling quite intolerant of her!

Surely that's the problem. If enough people read her bile, those that know no better or don't hear her views being condemned by others, will start believing that she is expressing a view widely held.

I'd rather there views were better known so that they can repeatedly be slapped down for their bigoted spite

I read this with disbelief. Think my mouth dropped open when I saw the headline and my incredulity only grew as I read through and checked out the links.

Why is it her responsibility to cajole him to do his damn job? He is her peer, not her subordinate.

Made me cross my legs and wince. Poor man, I just can't begin to imagine the pain.

Our local rag had a piece from the local fire station warning people not to lose the keys to their handcuffs and to have an adequate escape plan in case of emergency.

I live rurally in the UK and within a half hour drive (which I'd have to do anyway to get groceries/other shopping) there are at least three sex shops I can think of albeit one is an Ann Summers. Methinks that perhaps you've not looked that hard.

When my daughter had her HPV shots her school ran a class on what HPV is, how you can catch it, what the consequences can be etc.

I don't know. When my daughter had her HPV shots they had a whole lesson on HPV at school and we had a few conversations at home. I vividly remember the discussion leading on to talking about pap smears and my daughter's horrified reaction to the thought of, not only showing her genitals to a nurse, but also have a

My daughter also whinged about getting the shots. I felt for the nurses administering the vaccine as they do it at schools. My daughter attends a girls school and there was outright hysteria.

Thank goodness for that. My daughter had her HPV shots a couple of years ago and I've spent all the ensuing time looking out for slut tendencies.

Perhaps. It seems a good an explanation as any.

I'm surprised given the British love of curry, mustard and tamarind. Admittedly not Egyptian food but could certainly be described as spicy.

Yep. We mostly prefer tasteless, disgusting gruel but if forced to consider other foodstuffs we'll do our damndest to make them taste of nothing.

I reckon that must be for a kilo, or if they're being really stingy perhaps 50. I really hope it isn't per onion as I'm planning to get some of these at the weekend.

Not heard about a match stick but I've been told holding a wooden spoon in your mouth is meant to help. I've no idea how?!

Yeah, I can't say I'm envious of your gun laws. I'm in the UK and access to firearms is very restricted. It doesn't stop gun crime happening but it's a lot less and I think a lot of that is just because there aren't as many weapons around so it's harder to get hold of one.