Fi Brown

Thank you for replying. I can understand why it would be hellishly intimidating to take them on.

I don't think it has to be as overt as 'sleep with me or I'll fail you'. The very fact that the teacher is in a position of power sets up a harmful dynamic, especially when we are talking about those not mature enough to recognise this.

Perhaps a stupid question (am also not in America) but is there an equivalent organisation to the NRA that campaigns/lobbies against firearms?

Tim Minchin is just wonderful.

Thank you. I couldn't work out why he looked so familiar

I hesitate to say this as I'm in the UK, although would be happy to do the same with our bat shit crazy right wing.


I'm sorry, you're right. By the point I got to writing about the case I was ready to chuck phone at the wall from battling trying to write a comment on said phone! I didn't write why he was acquitted and I should have.

Absolutely. Changes to The Commons working practices to make them more family friendly are laughable. That said I can see there will always be problems with this. Can't imagine an MP job sharing or being part time!

Whenever I've bought a whole, or half, an animal it's all butchered for me and the butcher will ask how I want certain cuts done. That said I'm in the UK, perhaps things are different across the pond.

I'm pretty sure any person with criminal intent isn't going to give a toss whether they are walking into the 'wrong' toilet. If a man wants to use a secluded public toilet to rape or sexually assault a woman they aren't going to be stopped by an icon of a stick person in a skirt!


It was also my understanding that FGM was largely a problem in African tribes especially the more nomadic tribes. I know it has been reported here that a lot of work is being done with the elder women of the tribes to get them to agree to stop FGM within their individual tribes and collectively. Think it was said

Your story is harrowing. I'm glad you are healing.

I live on fairly rurally and there are a fair few posters down here for UKIP which supports your argument. We're not all members of the loony right!

Anyone who reports any crime is, "believed, at least to a degree". If you went and reported that your car had been stolen, the police would investigate. If you report you were mugged the police will investigate.

Excellent response. I think I love you!

No is unambiguous. Makes me wonder if you've ever taken no as an ambiguous term.

Timing may well be a big factor. The messages were fairly immediate whereas the mattress carrying came much later by which time she also felt let down by the process. I don't find the difference to be incomprehensible.

Yep. Whenever people bang on about the evils of social media and the Internet, I point out that in a lot of ways it's a good thing. Makes it easier for people to interact with their MPs. Also, am very much enjoying the various disasters UKIP is having with their candidates and their social media.