Fi Brown


I really struggle with this. I think there can be a place for positive action and it doesn't necessarily follow that all women shortlists would lead to under qualified candidates.

Was just thinking this!

It would be truly wonderful if he could spend the next 88 days talking about Maggie Thatcher (great that autocorrect tried to change Maggie to maggot) if did I'm fairly confident we wouldn't have to suffer another 5 years of him and his cronies.

Given he's a Liberal Democrat there's a pretty good chance he'd not have been re-elected had he decided to stand.

Not sure about Ireland but the UK certainly has a law that prohibits encouraging or inciting another person to suicide. As well as being prosecuted for that it can also lead to a charge of manslaughter or murder.

So glad you had a good support network to help you get away from that. I can't imagine how difficult it must have been.

That depends on what books you buy. There are some great versions of the Grimms' fairytales

Completely agree. There is room for both fairytales and science (and for that matter anything else).

My children have just over a month when they are the same age. It was a semi deliberate decision to have them close together. It has meant they are really emotionally close to each other although they are also damn competitive

Urg. I made the mistake of clicking on the comments in that article.

Oh my! He's a very odd man. I can't get my head around his motivation. If he really wants to protest this, "radical homosexual agenda" you'd think he'd have bigger fish to fry.

I have a daughter, she's now 16 but went through a similar phase around 5 or 6. I told her that she had a choice; either keep your hair long and brush it or have shorter hair. I explained that keeping oneself clean is important and having hair that resembled a bird's nest was harder to keep clean, hence the choice.

And to 'accidentally' spill the contents all over someone if one, for some reason, ever did have to prove menstruation


The HIV rate in her province is 40% and society not liberal.

Given her age I'm guessing she probably doesn't have that much experience of knowing the difference in feeling. Also there's a fair age gap, guessing again but imagine he had the lead for applications, removal and disposal.

Not as obvious and, given her age, I'm guessing she isn't terribly experienced as to what it would feel like with or without

I'll start by saying she should not have taken vengeance with anything other than the legal system.

And without wearing a condom, unbeknownst to her. To be honest, I find that worse than the filming. I don't excuse her actions but don't understand the view that his crimes are significantly less serious.