Fi Brown

Silly wench should be PROUD for being acknowledged by such a great man! I’m sure she’s so ugly that NOBODY would look at her in the first place! Hon. Christopher von Keyserling did her a big FAVOR, he made her feel like a WOMAN! Then, bless his heart, he probably had to wash his hands like 30 times!

He’s a patrician white dude from Greenwich fucking Connecticut who sits on the town council of one of the wealthiest communities in the world. No harm or discomfort will come unto him. He will write a check, and never give it another thought.

Another friendly reminder that political correctness is simply treating people with respect. So yea, he’ll probably be acquitted.

I’ve had anal sex, and I still don’t see any way you could just slip it in without my cooperation unless you were being seriously violent about it. So someone would have to be thrusting really hard for it to be feasible and even then, idk.

I’m just so mortified that I know I’m having nightmares tonight.

Yeah, after reading these I’m thinking that perhaps I actually am a tight-ass. I enjoy anal intercourse on occasion but it takes actual effort to achieve. I’ve experienced accidental bumping outside but there’s no way I can imagine accidental anal penetration. (I have experienced the opposite where he was aiming for

I fail to see how this contributes to the plausibility of surprise anal. Yes, it is anatomicaly possible, but I’ve never experienced or heard of surprise anal between gay guys. We’re usually pretty aware of our butts and what’s happening around them.

The average ER nurse has seen a hundred different things you wouldn’t believe were even humanly possible.

Could be worse:

This guy is either a troll, a moron, or both. He’s literally claiming nursing home abuse as proof that no one in nursing homes can have a family, because it’s impossible for family members to neglect each other or let bad things happen to each other — I would love to live in the world he does, because it sure as hell

Few spouses or family members have the physical and/or mental strength to nurse an elderly/sick family member/partner. Most people in nursing homes have families. My mother and stepfather have both agreed that if they get seriously ill then it is 100% fine for the other partner to get professional help. They are both

And yet those same fates happen just as often to people who are married and have children. I think it would be a lot worse to be sitting there alone in the nursing home knowing your immediate family doesn’t care about you.

She will never forget, but I hope like hell she is not “done”. Survivors are incredibly, impressively strong and resilient, and she may go on to do amazing things despite her parentage and her background. Her chances seem like they’d be infinitely improved by being removed from that home though, since the more

this is the mother who caught him in the act, too. the reason he was arrested and charged in the first place is because the mother walked in on him raping their daughter. that means she visually witnessed him sexually violating her daughter, and still wants him back in the family.

I was molested repeatedly by my father around the age of 12. I didn’t confide in any one until years later but, I still felt so much shame and guilt. I can attest to the weird complicated feelings that comes with being molested by the person who is supposed to protect you. I didn’t want to put myself or baby sister in

You know what, it’s quite plausible that she’s devastated at the thought of not having her dad in her life

He is not a monster, just a man that really screwed up and has been paying in many ways.”

If 20 6 year olds being murdered changed nothing in this country, I have little hope for any future change.

Now playing

This one briefly made me debate my child free status. Briefly.