Fi Brown

How desperately sad

Undoubtedly but they don’t live by a belief system based on a centuries old text that told them to do so.

Gosh, aren’t you delightful.

How dreadful for you all. I’m sorry for your loss.

Yes. I can understand the arguments for having a statute of limitations but think rape is just too heinous a crime to risk a prosecution being brought because of a delay in reporting the crime especially when the psychological effects & stigma of being raped, all to often, lead to the victim doing their best to not

Ahh yes. I forget that there’s a statute of limitations on rape in the US

Hideous though this lawyer’s statement is, it almost sounds like an admission of guilt on Trump’s behalf.


I think it’s different for everyone. For me a lot of time, my amazing sister and some good friends have helped make me feel almost normal.

Just very sad.

I am so glad that this is the top comment.

Gosh! For a bunch of God fearing busy bodies they don’t half watch a lot of television. It’s a wonder they haven’t all been corrupted into putting lesbian yoghurt into their husband’s knickers!

I concur. The tests I’ve taken have all been for placing in midstream as oppose to a cup. Either way it’s still a stick that’s in part covered with urine.

That’s a truly shitty holiday.

I’m quite happy to have nothing to do with her god, or anyone else's!

I’ve had an abortion, as have many of my fellow country women. I live in the UK and it rains all the damn time here.

Gosh! I was stunned by this. Had to keep reading out bits to my OH who was equally appalled.

You have just transported me back to my 13 year old self thinking I was painfully cool as I sat with my best mate, surrounded by clouds of cheap incense smoke, listening to this, drinking hooch (trying not to be sick) and smoking my first cigarette (trying not to be sick).

They did try and educate and encourage them and I didn’t read anywhere that they tried to shame them for being ignorant. Problem is you can’t educate people who don’t want to learn. These women were just rude.

The woo cures are ridiculous. I’ve been really lucky with the doctors I’ve seen and in general with people around me and I’ve yet to be told that it’s all in my head although I know it’s fairly common. I’m part of a local support group and I know that a lot of the group have been subjected to that view. Hopefully I’ll