Fi Brown

Yep. Pretty horrid.

The sugar comment was as we were buying some drinks somewhere. What’s worse is I was the one paying. It’s almost as though people see the wheelchair and rather than just thinking that I can’t walk (I can, just not far but that’s another story) they seem to think my brain must be addled.

Yep. All the time. Apparently if I just tried this juice diet or certain essential oils I’d be right as rain in no time at all.

If it’s someone I need to maintain a civil relationship with or even a well intentioned friend. I just say thanks, I’ll look into that.

I’m impressed with your restraint! It’s astonishing how people seem to think they have to pass comment or ask nosey questions. I use a wheelchair and often complete strangers will ask me why I am in a chair. I feel like asking why they are so fat or ignorant.

I have fibromyalgia as well and I probably get told about a new ‘cure’ weekly. It’s really frustrating.

As someone living with a couple of chronic illnesses I have noticed that the more healthy yet ignorant people are always the first to offer unsolicited advice that has no grounding in medical science.

I’m so glad this was the first comment after I read the story. That question was going, mantra like, through my head. I really thought I must have the wrong end of the stick, so to speak.

Completely agree. I also just don’t get it. If you’ve gone to the trouble of picking up the poo why would you then hang it on the branch?

Ewww! He’s horribly creepy and slimy, made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

This is horrific, just horrific. I hope the brave man that filmed this remains safe.

Some of the Yelp reviews are brilliantly funny

I'm in the UK and have a couple of teenagers. This stuff is already taught but currently starts at age 13+. It'll be much better when they tackle it earlier. Our sex education only starts at 10, there was talk of starting at 7 but there was too much backlash.

I read this, "...Christian cults..." as Christian cunts. Somehow that seems to work as well!

I've been following this story and it just keeps getting worse. Those poor children, it's just inhuman the way this couple behaved. Not to mention that the girls have gone through all this trauma and been separated.

I'm sorry you had such an awful experience. I'm in the UK and have had 2 abortions and been so grateful to have that option open to me and easily available. I am can't imagine having to go through such a journey and whilst feeling so lousy.

Urg! Even worse if he talks whilst fucking. This is the stuff of which nightmares are made.

Urg! What is it about consent that's so fucking hard to understand?

I think she, but I don't disagree with the rest! :)

I just hope these girls don't have to learn the hard way.