Fi Brown

Makes me wonder if he killed anyone with this stuff. There's a bit of me that thinks he'd never have been able to cover it up but then I think how he got away with raping numerous women and perhaps it's possible.

Horrible, horrible man.

I fall mostly into the lurker category. Have really enjoyed reading your posts. Good luck in your future role

Because robbing someone or attacking someone (or indeed just being if you happen to be the 'wrong' colour) warrants being shot?

I am staggered by the number of seemingly intelligent people who demonstrate such, almost wilful, ignorance about vaccines.

Years ago I tried to get back together with my ex. We'd had 2 children together and on paper it all made sense. I still liked him, we got on well, had put to bed the issues that led to us splitting up. It was the perfect outcome. Problem was I just couldn't get my head around getting physically intimate with him. The

I spent far too long pursuing commitment phobes and inevitably getting hurt. It wasn't until I stopped to really think about it that I realised that, despite wanting the happy forever after, I had lots of my own fears about committing to someone.

There aren't words bad enough to describe these people. I know it's unlikely but I so hope she managed to get to a safe place and get some medical help

Good and refreshing to read an article that uses science and research instead of the scaremongering that seems to be rife in anything about cosmetics ingredients.

I'm in that position and am just glad that sometimes the justice system (of whatever country) gets it right. I only wish it were more often.

Hurrah! I'm so glad they were found guilty and so relieved. I know the evidence against them was overwhelming but was still worried they'd wriggle off the hook somehow.

I'm in the UK and have two teenagers (15 & 16). They have both received sex education in school from age 7 up. From age 11 it becomes: Physical, Health and Sex education. Covered a lot of LGBTQ issues as well as other stuff considered important like eating disorders, general health stuff etc.

Reading, or trying to read, his response left me looking like a goldfish. Even allowing for English not being his first language it is truly awful. Perhaps he should go and get educated?!

Yay for freckles and freckle defenders. I've just spent two weeks in the sun and despite a decent SPF I look like I'm being taken over by freckles

I'd second the recommendation for hola. I'm in the UK and use it to watch clips/programmes that are linked to through Jezebel; most of the Comedy Central stuff is unavailable to watch for me without using hola or similar

This made me cheer. Succinct and perfect response to this arse wipe

Seemed perfectly comprehensible to me, perhaps more so than I might have expected from a child that old.

Based on the definition I'd say she was raped, and several times.

So glad to read another parent who has similar conversations as I do with my 16 year old son. We end up discussing enthusiastic and ongoing consent a lot. I would hate for him to ever be guilty of rape because he did not understand consent. (I'd hate for him to ever rape anyone for any reason, of course).

Also any attempts to help tend to be rebuffed by the egomaniac that is Goodluck Jonathan. Truly an abysmal leader.