Fi Brown

I wouldn't think it is a deal breaker especially if you are both happy with the arrangement.

Just wanted to say thank you for making an utterly foul Monday suddenly more bearable.

It's self defence, not assault

Girl, this girl not, "...This guy..."

While still relatively young I have a chronic illness. I've had nothing but excellent care through the NHS. My mother has exceptional care when she had skin cancer and with all the aftercare since being in remission. I've also seen both my partner's grandmothers receive good care when they had dementia and wonderful

I'm in the UK and have travelled to the US to visit my sister who lived there at the time. We had a whole conversation around insurance and travel health insurance is a lot different to the cover you guys have to get as a matter of course.

I was so glad to read this. I once overdid the beetroot and thought something was seriously wrong with me when going to the toilet. Only after telling my new boyfriend that I thought I was hemorrhaging from my arse did I realise it was the beetroot. So much embarrassment!

I've read through the thread and largely agree with the majority of responses. I'm not sure I'd personally find cam sites any better/worse / different to any other form of porn. I can sort of understand why you feel it's more intimate and that's rather the point, it's about yours and his boundaries. That's only going

Poor, poor lady. I just felt overwhelmingly sad for her as I read this. I really hope she is able, at some point, to find some sort of closure and be able to move on with her life.

Totally agree that a warning at the start of the programme would have been a good move.

I didn't realise that so many were done in clinics now. My abortion was a while ago and in a rural area hence why in a hospital I guess.

It helps that, in the UK, a lot of terminations are carried out in general hospitals so there is no where for people to protest.

There's a huge difference between 10 weeks & 9 months. At 10 weeks the foetus cannot support itself, it is not viable. Viability is considered to 24 weeks and in the UK one can have a termination up to the the 24th week.

I had both my children in the late 9 and my experience was as you describe. Was in hospital for less than 24 hours after giving birth then had regular midwife visits for the first 6 weeks. After that one has a health visitor who visits fairly frequently for the first quarter and then perhaps annually for a couple of

He's an adult. He may well have psychological issues but whilst society determines that at 18 one becomes an adult his treatment should be no different than if he were 28.

He spat at her, I'd consider that to be, "starting a fight".

It is a saying over here. Should probably be, "Every little bit helps"

Well said.

I cannot quite believe I just read this! How could her dignified death, completed within th relevant law and having med the strict medical criteria, possibly result in more suicides?