I like Dunks coffee and I cannot lie

A corporation is beholder to it’s shareholders. It exists solely to generate profit to pay them off. It is not ethical or moral, but that’s why corporations were given certain rights usually reserverd for persons, so that actual humans could be divorced from the decisions and consequences and profits could be

I’m very glad that the debris trail didn’t reach Tabasco state.  Things could have gotten very spicy then!

I like the comment about not evacuating from Sanibel. When news crews were in there afterwards interviewing family members of those still on the island, who flat out stated “they refused to leave”.

No. Just, No.

Were they NOT watching the weather the previous week?

with would-be mourners warned they could expect to wait in line longer than 24 hours at its peak

but oktoberfest is held in september...

Do people really care what headphones look like?

I mean if you’re using them correctly, you’ll never see them on your head. And, do you really care what other people think?

Iceland’s very existence is due to volcanism on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge that separates North America from Europe, so I don’t consider it controversial to say that parts of Iceland are on both continents.

A good tip for anyone is this: “If you hear the word Crypto, just say hell no. If you hear the acronym NFT, remember it stands for you have No Fucking Time for this bullshit.”

“Conspiracy theory” is like “turkey bacon” or “vodka martini”: the second word means one thing on its own, but the first word completely changes the meaning, making that word a sad parody of its real meaning.

Matt Gaetz has entered the chat.

Stop using AC and it won’t be so hot outside.

How much water are the Pelosis using?

Universal health care is only a small part of the problem.

I’m not sure why they are worried.

This is so sad. So many people fell for a get rich quick scheme and are now shocked that the money they handed over to strangers in an unregulated process is now gone. 

Universal healthcare is absolutely doable necessary for a healthy functioning society. You shouldn’t be in servitude to your job or in debt to be alive. It should be a human right.

There are some easy measures we could take to help solve the problem, regardless of which side people land on the single-payer debate.