Yeah what is this with calling adults by their first name?
Yeah what is this with calling adults by their first name?
How can “The Human Centipede” not be here. I haven’t even seen it and it’s the most disturbing movie I know of.
This. Wife is 5'2" (1.5748m) and never understands why I, a foot (0.3048m) taller, feel so cramped on airplanes.
To get the most out of your ceiling fan, make sure it’s working to pull cool air up from the floor rather than pushing hot air down toward the ground.
Pipe condensate output from HVAC units and dehumidifiers to a cistern - then use it to water plants.
Been trying to convince my wife for years of the fact that a turn signal serves no purpose if you wait until you’ve started the turn to turn it on. No luck.
Assuming you’re coming from a place that drives on the left, this so much. People seem to think their cars have a larger turning radius or something.
Turn on your headlights when your wipers are on (it’s actually a law here now, albeit one more honored in the breach).
My Theory of Weddings: There is an inverse relationship between the expense and lavishness of the wedding and the predicted lifespan of the marriage.
Just don’t tell your cardiologist.
My bad.
Dr Strangelove
Howabout: sitting in the right seat? If you boarding pass says “23A” then get in seat 23A, not 22A or 24A (or 21A or 25A). How hard is it to read?
Any tricks to get rid of all the other people?
I’m saying that calling it a “rock” is an exaggeration. More like a large stone, about the size of a coffee table.
If Plymouth Rock is a rock then I’m Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Is there some downside that I’m not aware of to turning off the lights when you’re not using them?
Even for domestic flights? Because you can’t shop in the duty free unless you have an international departure.
XKCD has a famous webcomic about this topic: “correcthorsebatterystaple” is a strong password that isn’t too hard to memorize. A human certainly wouldn’t guess a password like this one, and a computer would take far too long running through dictionary words before it could crack it.
Yeah I’m leaning this way. I need a passport anyway since I travel out of the country pretty regularly.