I like Dunks coffee and I cannot lie

I thought they meant “twink” at first.

Q: What do they do to parsley farmers that don’t pay their bills?

Vintage porn too.  Or so friends tell me.

Re trash cans: if you live in a fairly rural area with a lot of local wildlife, all you will accomplish by putting your unsecured trash cans out the night before is to get the trash and garbage strewed about the street.

A local radio jingle (tried to figure out how to add musical notes) here in New England from back in the day. Around here brown eggs are much more common than white. When I first moved here from a “white egg” region it was kind of weird.

“Brown eggs are local eggs and local eggs are fresh.”

Nowadays most have a scratch off PIN needed for online transactions (to prevent nefarious actors from doing this with cards in the store) - recipient would likely notice you scratched it off.

Real life reminds me of Idiocracy.

Why do you need the cover if you’ve drained it?

Probably dating myself, but newspaper (especially the Sunday comics) makes great wrapping paper.


1. I wish there was aninstantly scroll to the bottom” as well

You’re confusing these people with journalists.

Just don’t try to search for it in the app store, unless you have the obscure “latin letter” keyboard extension installed.

I’m happily married and I still might do this.

Edit: Guess it’s not, as things like “LS” and “PWD” work fine.

Once Terminal is open, type networkQuality (capitalization is unnecessary) and press Enter.

Hebrew is same as German: esrim v’achad, esrim v’shtayim,... (twenty one, twenty two,...)

Why would I need to hide Christmas gifts that I never thought of?